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I repeat the last words I said to Clarke over and over in my head. "May we meet again". As I left Clarke I began to cry although I couldn't show that to my warriors. We walked and walked until we finally got to TonDC. That night before I slept I cried for the person I loved  and left behind. Clarke. For the next few days it was quiet but enjoyable. Soon we need to head to the capital. It would take about a days time for us to get there. In the morning i was siting when Indra informed me the sky people were here. How I hoped I'd see Clarke to apologize for what I had to do. I had to put my people first. When I left my tent to see who was indeed here for the skaikru I saw Bellamy, Octavia, Raven, Wick, and the person I wanted to see Clarke. Clarke looked different though she showed less emotion which saddened me. I told them to follow me to my tent and indeed they did. I sat and waited. "We want a peace treaty Commander." That was the words Clarke said and nothing more. "How do I know that I cant trust you?" I said. "You can trust me because I do not break my promises." Clarke responded. I sit there for a short while thinking about it and deciding what I was going to do. Indra walked in and I asked her to come. I asked her what she thought and of course being Indra she said that it was a very bad idea. Clarke spoke again and said "Please Le- Commander we don't want any trouble we just want the treaty and we will leave you alone." As we all sat there in my tent I finally decided "I will accept your peace treaty on one condition." "And what would that be."Clarke said. "That the skaikru has to stay away from any of the grounders land." Clarke responded quickly "Deal." Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Wick, and Raven started to leave my tent I asked Clarke to stay behind. When she did agree I then asked Indra to leave at first she was hesitant until I gave her a stern look. Clarke walked towards me and I could feel my breathing get heavier and my heart start to beat faster. Clarke asked what I wanted. All I managed to get was "I-u-uhm i just wa-." Clarke cut me off and said "Look Lexa I understand why you did what you did but it hurt to see that I'm not as important as I thought I was." I looked down and felt my knees get weak. I managed to say "Clarke I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just didn't have a choice I have to put my people first before my feelings or anyone else's feelings. I'm sorry Clarke you mean so much to me and I just I can't seem to get you out of my head." I swear that I saw Clarke blush because she quickly looked down at the ground to avoid eye contact. When she looked up I was already staring at her we stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever when Clarke broke the silence. "Lexa I care about you too." I felt my cheeks get very hot and I could tell that I was blushing. I looked up and stared into Clarke's piercing blue eyes. I gave her what i hope was not a weak smile. I am weak around Clarke and to my people I should be executed. To Clarke's people love is not weakness it is strength.

Later i finally leave my tent to find Clarke standing very close to Bellamy. I feel my blood start to boil. Am i jealous? I shouldn't be Clarke can love whoever she wants to love. I then see Clarke walk way with a disgusted look on her face. She ran into her tent and before i realized i was standing right outside the door. I slowly say "Clarke?" I hear her crying and i run in i see her on her bed she seems okay physically so why was she crying? "Clarke" i say again. This time she hears me and turns my way. She wipes the tears away quickly as to say that she is fine. I know however that she is not fine. She says in a stuttering voice "I-I'm fi-fine Le-Commander pl-please go." All i can do is stare at her. She says it again in a more powerful voice but i ignore her and sit next to her on her bed. Slowly i put my hand on her shoulder and to my surprise she doesn't flinch she doesn't pull away. Instead she leans into me and rests her head on my shoulder. I try to comfort her as much as possible until I tell her that need to go. She nods and I say "I'm sorry maybe we can talk about what made you upset later. Goodbye." I give her a quick smile and walk out.

A few hours later or so it feels. I walk back to Clarke's tent and go in. To my surprise she is still sitting there on her bed. She looks up at me and gives me a weak smile. I walk over and sit next to her. I try not to sit to close for Clarke. But Clarke disagreed and got closer to me. We were inches apart and I could feel my heart best faster. It felt as though she could hear it. She put her hand on my leg and did something I didn't expect her to do.

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