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I was standing there just... thinking. What did Clarke mean screw her? I am not familiar with their language. I know a few things but that was not one of them. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Alexi coughed making sure that I heard her.

"If that was her way of breaking up with you I find it kind of funny." She was smirking and walking towards me. What had I done? Had I actually caused Clarke to 'break up' with me? I'm not sure why I acted so hostile towards her. Wait she said she was going to Arkadia she'll be dead in a few hours. She would still be here if it wasn't for me. I needed to find Octavia and find out if that is actually where Clarke went. I turned but Alexi was right behind me causing us to run into each other.

"Alexi what are you doing!?"

"Lexa I want you. I have always loved you more than just a friend and with Clarke gone we can be together." I pushed her down

"We will never be together! As far as I am concerned I should banish you." I walked out of the tent to find Octavia. When I did find her she was talking to a fellow grounder. When I walked over they walked away leaving me with Octavia. "Hello"

"What do you want?" She snapped clearly not wanting to talk to me.

"I need to know if Clarke actually went to Arkadia."

"Yea she did Commander to get her mom, Kane, Monty, Bellamy,-"

"She went to get Bellamy?!"

"Yea although he has done some bad things at least she can trust him not to turn to someone."

"I did nothing of the sort if that is what you are implying."

"Yea you did. You turned to Alexi and before you ask yes I know her name. But Clarke she loves or loved you I don't know. But I do know that she heard the conversation between the two of you. Then you snap at her when she is practically leaving to go die!" Her voice was rising with every word. "She trusted you! Lexa you don't see it she doesn't trust anyone anymore not unless she really knows them! After the mountain nothing with her has been the same! She thought you loved her! She thought you wouldn't practically tell her to leave and go die! For the 'great Commander' you sure aren't that smart! Maybe I am just so mad because she is my friend and you just broke her heart but I have  feeling I am saying everything she would like to say to you. I know that I can't tell you whether or not she hates you or still loves you but for god sakes! And before I walk away, Lexa, she went to save her family the people she can actually count on. She went to the dropship. Oh one last thing. I'm not saying to call off the army but make sure everyone in that camp is ready to die to save themselves. Some will surrender but not all." She walked way leaving me even more confused. I was still processing the information when I remembered she said the dropship. I couldn't go there now but after the war I would.

I walked to Indra talking about the ear and what I wanted to do. We discussed plans and soon it would be night. I knew this was the perfect time. "Get ready we leave soon."

"Yes Commander."

We packed our weapons and went to their camp. Once we got there I watched them to see what they would do. After watching for several hours it was time. "Head in! Everyone knows the plan!" Warriors started chanting and yelling Heda. I ignored it this was to make it even. We got close enough and I yelled out to them "Anyone who would like to surrender will leave! Everyone else will die!" Few people came out. When they decided no more were coming then it started. I had the archers ready and they shot into the camp with flaming arrows. It caught several things in fire. They may have guns but we have training. We would beat them.

"Flank make them waste ammo and then attack!" My people did just that. They sky people had wasted a lot of ammo now. Soon it would be time to attack. "Not yet!" I yelled out. Not one of us had died yet. I knew this would work. They stopped shooting and I knew we needed to move now. "Attack!" We started running in. We tore down the door and killed person after person. Not many of us had died yet. I kept killing soaked in their blood. I smiled knowing I was getting revenge for my people. Soon enough there was only a few of them left. One was Pike. I wanted to kill him in a special way. I would cut him and burn him. I would drown him and let him watch as I killed the last ones that he cares about. We tied them up and drug them along with back towards camp.

We had arrived back at camp. People were celebrating everywhere. Even I was and I don't think anything was going to ruin my actually happy mood. "Commander!" I turned to see Clarke along with a few others. I was tipsy so I just acted like nothing was wrong. "Prisa how nice it is to see you." Sadly Alexi came up to me "Hi Lex" Clarke shows no signs that she was going to leave. Honestly Alexi was pissing me off. "Lexa you want to leave?" She asked and leaned in to kiss me. I shoved her hard to the ground. "I loved you as a sister Alexi that is all you would ever be to me!" I boomed and continued. "I love Clarke." I said quieter this time. "Nothing will change that even if she hates me! I banish you from Polis and from this camp! If I see you here again I will have you executed! Leave now!" I yelled people were watching but didn't care. She scrambled up and left.

"I am sorry everyone! Please continue!" I looked at Clarke and walked away. I needed something strong. I found Octavia and she was next to Lincoln. I would say the two of us had become 'friends' I walked over and took her drink. I chugged it down. "Hello to you too Lexa." Octavia said smirking

"Ah yes hello! Are you okay because I need to go to sleep. Which reminds me Goodnight!" I stumbled away and into my tent. I laid down not bothering with my clothes. I was almost asleep when I heard someone call my name. I looked up to see Clarke standing there. "Hi"

"Leave! I need sleep whatever it is can wait until tomorrow" She looked hurt but walked out anyway. Why!? Why would I do that again?!


Good day everyone! If you haven'y noticed I am trying my best to update Tuesdays and Fridays. I guess I like those days Lol. Anyway give me feed back the good and the bad. I will take anything. Don't forget to vote! Thank you for 2,000 reads like so much really. I love you all! Enjoy!

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