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I sat by myself for a long time thinking about what I was going to have to do. Clarke I can tell wants to come here but I am not sure that she sees the danger in it for me. I cannot just leave my people. A commander only does this when they die. I as far as I can tell I am not going to. I still don't trust these people but maybe it would be for the best to leave my people behind. Thinking about that upsets me. What would happen to my people. Could I get this community to invite them in? I have so much running through my mind that I hardly notice that Octavia is looking at me.

"Couldn't sleep?" She asked me.

"No not right now. I have no idea what to do. I want Clarke safe but I can't just leave my people to go to the safety of this place."

"I understand but maybe we can get them so accept some of our people." I smiled because she said our people. She is one of us now.

"Maybe but they still won't accept all of them."

"Look lets just wait for Clarke to wake up and we will talk some more about our current situation alright?"

"Okay but go to sleep again, you will need the rest."


It had been a few hours when Clarke started to move around. A few moments and she opened her eyes to look up at me. She smiled "Hi"

"Hello Prisa, how did you sleep?"

"Wonderful knowing you were right here."

"Well we have a lot to talk about so lets wake up Octavia." I got up and walked over to her

"HEY! Octavia time to get up." Clarke shouted. Octavia shot up and looked around

"Wow thanks Clarke for the wake up call so nice of you to be gently about it."

"Oh no problem." Clarke smiled at her

"Well let us get to talking then." I said 

We talked about many different outcomes. The best one we came up with is that we just leave and go back home. Which personally is my favorite one. Clarke understands but she also wants to stay here. Octavia knows the for me staying in the forest is the best. I explained to Clarke what could happen so now she is a little more hesitant to staying. It is hard to make such a big choice in such little time.

We talked for a while longer when I heard someone trying to open the door. When it was finally open standing there was Indra, Jasper, Raven, and Bellamy. I sat there surprised by their presence. 

"Hi no time to talk but we were on our way here to save you guys. We were captured and the said they had you and that we could stay too. Whatever that means." Raven told us

"Yes that is the current deal with us also. We can stay or we can leave." I said now looking at Indra

"Why? What do they want with us?" Jasper asked

"We aren't exactly sure yet. I know that they said we were promising and would make good additions to this community. A man also talked about love and strength and it doesn't matter who it is. Many other things." I explained to them

"Well I don't know if I want to stay or leave but from what I have seen I may be leaning toward staying." Raven spoke up again

"You guys know that we can't stay here. I am doing what is best for my people. I always have and staying here isn't the best thing for us. Lets move."

"Shut up!" I hissed "I am the Commander I will not listen to some petty sky boy who thinks he is always doing what is right for his people." I was now walking toward Bellamy now. 

"I didn't say to listen to me but am sure as hell not going to let Octavia stay here."

Octavia walked up beside me now. "Bellamy you don't get to decide what I do. You have nothing over me. I listen to Indra and Lexa because they are my leaders. I am a grounder. I choose what I want."

"No lets go now." He grabbed her arm. All of us went to him and started to pull him off. Somehow the guards didn't realize he had a gun and he pulled it out. We still tried getting her away when the was a deafening shot. We all stopped and looked around.

"Guys" Jasper said looking down at his stomach. 

"No Jasper!" Octavia ran to him as he collapsed. "Clarke do something! Please!"

"I need a cloth and Indra I need you to find a doctor please!" I tore my shirt and handed it to her. 

"Okay Jasper stay with me. Keep your eyes open look at me. Talk. Do whatever you have to. Just stay with me. Octavia I need you to give me some room okay?" She nodded and got up walking over to Bellamy. 

"O, I didn't-" He didn't have a chance to finish because Octavia hit him.

"No not this time brother you don't get to do that! This is your fault! Our friend could die because of you!" She hit him again and again. Finally she stopped and looked at him.

 "You're dead to me."  She turned and I could see the hate in her eyes. He had finally done it. He had finally hurt the least person that genuinely cared for him. I walked to her and I hugged her. I don't do that often but it felt right. It felt like forever when Indra came back with a man. 

"Okay I need room I will get him to the infirmary and we will try our best to save your friend." He picked him up carefully and left. 

"What the hell!" Clarke was looking at Bellamy.

"Do you need to make everyone hate you?" She asked him

"Clarke, Prisa calm down." I said stepping in front of her.

"He shot him. He shot Jasper." She hugged me and started crying. 

"I know Clarke I am sorry. They will save him don't worry." It had all happened so fast. Everything. We were just talking about the best plan but now. I sat Clarke down and after a long time her sobs finally stopped and I guessed she had fallen asleep. 

"Goodnight Prisa" I said and leaned my head against the wall.


BOOM! Take that. Anyway you guys seem to like the book so there is a chance there will be a second one. If not I was thinking maybe an AU? Like in the modern world. Tell me what you would think about that. I hope you guys enjoy this. Vote, comment, and enjoy! BYEEE!

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