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    I turned around and saw my folded clothes laying on my bed and decided to put them in the drawers, usually I just wait till I feel like doing it or wait for my mom to do it. Before putting them up     I set aside my clothes for school tomorrow which was a white pair of shorts and a Aztec shirt paired with my moccasins. I then continued putting up the rest until I got a message back from Andre. I hopped over to my laptop then clicked Meebo open.

Andre Willis: Lex I wish I was playin.. Look My name isn't Andre.. everything on this profile is fake. Me and my friend was chillin one day and he told me about this site so we made a fake account and started messaging cute girls that whole night.. When he left the next day I totally forgot about it until I got a message from you and I kept going with this lie cause I really like you. I didn't think you would believe me cause of who I really am..

At this point I was furious, I damn near threw my laptop across the room. How could he be going on with this game for so long and not say anything until now. Instead of taking my anger out on punching a wall I decided to take it out on him.

Alex Mazza: You've got to be fuckin kidding me.. you're just now telling me?? And what do you mean I wouldn't believe you cause of who you really are like you important or somethin!? You know what, I probably wouldn't! You're probably just a fat ass computer nerd who waste their life on the internet all day! I hate that I've told you I love you and more at the fact that you said it back like you actually did! I hope you feel horrible for this go fuck yourself dude!      How could I be so stupid.

I took a second and read it over wiping the hot tears streaming down my face then sent it with no regrets. I pushed my laptop away from me then threw myself on the bed slamming my hands and legs repeatedly into it throwing a silent tantrum. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to feel, I didn't know how to take all of this in. This is the first time I've ever been in love, I may be fifteen but I know love when I see it I'm just hoping I'm wrong this time. My meebo beeped again with a message, there was no doubt it was him but I was pondering if I should look at it. Heartbroken or not I was still nosey as hell and I wanted to see what he had to say, I got up from my bed pulling my now messed up hair into a sorry excuse for a ponytail then clicked on the message

Andre Willis: Alexis I'm so sorry you got to believe me when I say everything was fake except my feelings for you!

Alex Mazza: I don't have to believe shit.

Andre Willis:  I know but .. just know I really do love you

Alex Mazza: Damn if I would've know lying to someone for 3 months was love I would've never said I loved you and forget I ever told you that cause I don't !

Andre Willis: Don't say that Lex I know you mad right now but can we just start over, I told you I was lying cause I wanted you to fall in love with the real me.. can you just get to know ME, Not Andre Willis... Chresanto August

Alex Mazza: Chresanto August... as in Roc.. from Mindless Behavior??   This nigga think I'm dumb ?

Andre Willis: Yeah.. Please don't freak out

Alex Mazza: Don't ever message me again with bullshit like this.. nah just don't message me at all. I tried to give you another chance but you just fucked it up again, I hope you have a nice life asshole.

Who does shit like that! I quickly logged out of my Meebo then shut my computer down and headed for the shower. I didn't even know how to grasp the situation at this point I just need a hot relaxing shower to get over this.


I was reaching for my Biology book and folder out of my locker until someone came and grabbed the sides of my stomach making me jump.

"Hey boo!" My bestfriend Shakeyla said hugging me

"Wassup love" I laughed turning back around

"So, how's Andre?" She asked like she usually did every morning

"Pfft you mean Roc from Mindless Behavior?" I scoffed still fiddling with my books 

"Girl don't play with me, you know I love them boys!" She laughed "But really how's Andre?"

"There is no Andre, Shay." I said slamming my locker and looking at her "It was a fake profile, the guy was playing me this whole time."

"Damn Lex , you ok?" 

"Yeah, I spent all last night crying it off I'm fine."

"Aww boo, I'm sorry" She said hugging me as we walked down the hall into Bio class and sat down. "Can I see the messages?"

"I knew you were gonna ask that with yo nosey ass, let me see your phone" I said laughing. I didn't have a phone so I used hers to go on the app. I logged in my account then instantly got 2 messages making her phone vibrate

"Is that him?" Shay asked peeking at the phone

"Him.. Her.. It.  Shit I dont know what or who that is" I replied looking down at the messages and mumbling them to myself.

Andre Willis: I know it's not easy to believe but I can prove it Alexis just give me a chance!

Andre Willis: Please call me 323-417-9872 I'm not lying Lex !

"Read this bullshit" I said tossing her the phone. She started at the top of the messages and worked her way to the bottom

"Lexi.. Just hear him out." She sighed

"You're on his side now!?" I yelled

"No, just call him damn!" She whisper shouted trying to make me lower my voice "There's no harm in calling!"

"You can call him after school I'm not.. end of conversation" I said as Mrs. Ortiz walked in and wrote our lesson plan on the board. I couldn't even pay attention, all I could think about was... well hell I don't even know his name. I still have no idea what calling him is going to prove but it wouldn't hurt to hear his voice. Wait I need to snap out of it, this guy can be a eighty year old janitor for all I know! Before I knew it Biology class was over and It was time for second period which turned into third fourth and fifth making it the end of school. I put up my books and headed down the hall to meet up with Shay and walk to her house.

"You ready!?" I heard Shay shout behind me. I turned around and saw her jogging towards me as I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Ready for what?"

"To call him" She said in a duh tone

"Oh.. yeah I guess" I replied following her to the front of the school and down the street to her house. When we got in her room we sat on her bed then stared at the phone like psychos.

"So, you gonna call?" I asked her

"I'm kinda scared Lex .. What if it's for real him?" 

"It's not gonna be, just call" I said blandly. She picked up the phone then dialed the number

"Hello?" He answered

 Shout out to @xo_Cocaine_Addict_xo playing my besty Shay/ Shakeyla ! Check out her stories they are beyond amazing you will not regret it !  Comment and Vote as you wish my loves :)

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