Chapter 1: Start of everything

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Chapter 1

---2 years ago---


Rosalie rushed to the room.. she ran so fast that she couldn't catch her breath! He's here.. finally.. he's here.. He's home.. She ran through rooms and rooms.. she ran like crazy and finally reached the big oak door..


She slammed the door hard and stood there in the middle of the room.. He was standing in front of her with his eyes widened..

_ Oh my god.. Ciel..

She mumbled and rushed towards the kid.. She knelt down before him, brushed her hand through his hair... There were tears welling in her eyes..

_ You poor kid what happened to you..? Who did this to you..? Ciel.. Please.. say something..

Tears slid down her cheek as she placed her hand gently on the kid's face.. His beautiful face was scratched.. his hair was a messy bun and there was blood all over the rags wrapped around his little body.. Over his beautiful oceanic right eye, there was a white cloth bandaged it..

_ Ciel.. - Rose sqeezed his small hands and wrapped her arms around his body - Do you still recognise me..? Ciel..?

_ Rosalie... - The boy whispered... He swung his small arms over Rose's shoulder and pulled her in for a hug.. - Rosalie..

The boy burried his small body in Rose's ... Rosalie hugged him tightly and cried.. Her tears slid down all over her beautiful face as she felt him smaller, thinner, skinnier.. Ciel.. Now.. she felt his little hand placed on her cheek.. wiped away her tears..

_ Don't cry.. It's not like you to be crying...

The boy shook his head.. No.. he is unlike Ciel.. This boy wrapped in her arms now seemed colder.. hater.. He was fierce.. unlike her used-to-be-fragile little boy.. What's got into you.. Ciel..? Rosalie used to see joy.. happiness and delight in his eyes.. but now in his eyes.. there was hatred and cruelty..

_ Oh my god.. Ciel...CIEL!!

Lizzy stood outside the door and she ran like crazy towards Ciel.. She didn't even notice her sister's appearance.. she ran and jumped on Ciel.. She hugged him tighter than ever and she was crying out loud..

_ Ciel.. God.. where have you been?.. What on earth had happened to you?.. Ciel.. I have missed you so much.. I thought you would never come back..

The little girl sqeezed the boy as Rosalie sat on up.. She looked over Ciel being wrapped up by that little girl.. She was her sister.. Lizzy.. and was Ciel's fiancee! She was so worried when Ciel was missing.. and now he had returned.. Rose guessed that Lizzy just couldn't hold her joy..

_ Do you need a hand, miss? - There was a man offering her a hand.. He looked tall and strong and he wore all black! He had a devilish smirk on his face and his dark red eyes made Rosalie feel creepy.. She jumped on her feet and took out her sword..

_ Who are you? - She pointed the blaze towards the man as he leaned back to avoid it.. He looked so calm.. How could a man be so calm when he was pointed with such sharp blaze?..

_ Stay calm Rosalie.. please.. - The boy said while being wrapped by Lizzy.. - He is harmless.. This is my butler.. Sebastian Michaelis..

What..?B.. Butler..?!

---End flashback---

Rose stood alone in the garden.. Two years had passed since that fatal day.. Ciel had been better.. He had recovered from his wound and "grown" a bit.. But he was unlike who he used to be anymore.. The job as The Majesty's Royal Guard Dog would wear him off.. Rosalie slightly thought..

_ Rosie!! - Lizzy called out as she was running towards her.. So typical Lizzy.. always smile.. Do I wish that one day smile would appear on Ciel's face again..

_ Yes Liz..? - Rose knelt down and smiled to her gently..

_ I want to come to Ciel's... - Lizzy smiled awkwardly.. - But mom wouldn't let me go there alone.. Can you come with me..?

_ Sure.. But where is Frances..? Think she could take you herself..?

_ Mom is busy.. She is busy all the time.. - She looked down.. - So can you..? Please Rosie..

_ Oh Lizzy.. you know that I would love to come over with you without your begging.. - Rose smiled and pulled her in.. Liz was one year older than Ciel so she was taller but.. for his age.. Ciel really needed to improve his height..

She thought about him again.. Rose had been like that since the day The Phantomhive Estate burnt down.. Such little figure.. but he had grown so much inside..

_ So.. I'll go and get the carriage..! - Lizzy was about to ran off when Rose held her back..

_ Who said anything about carriage? - She smiled enicmatically,.. made Lizzy confused..

Rosalie held Lizzy's hand and take her to the stables behind the mansion.. She openned the big door and whistled..

A high-pitched sound echoed all through the stables.. A black magnificent horse jumped out and whinnied.. He ran to where Rosalie was standing and lowered his head.. She brushed her hand through his beautiful mane and swung herself on the horse's back.. On its back, Rose extended her hand and smiled to Lizzy..

_ Say.. Do you want to ride a horse without saddle?

Lizzy was kinda afraid.. She did not like horses very much.. She shook her head..

_ Is it safe? - She muttered..

_ Sure.. - Rose laughed.. - Jupiter won't hurt you.. Come on.. He will take us to the Phantomhive in no time!

Well.. Lizzy didn't like horses so much.. but.. she trusted her sister.. Because she knew,.. Rosalie would do anything to guarantee her family's safety..

She reached out and held Rose's hand, she swung her on the horse.. She sat before Rosalie and Rose was holding on the rein..

_ Hold on.. - Rose smiled and the horse started running.. No.. this horse.. this Jupiter was galloped..

He ran so fast.. Liz thought as she tried to hold on tightly on the rein..

_ Don't be scare.. Open your eyes and see how beautiful this forest is.. - Rosalie whispered to her ears.. - I won't let you fall Lizzy..

And Elizabeth opened her eyes.. she looked around and saw her sister looking down at her kindly.. She smiled relieved..

_ Yes Rosie.. It's beautiful..

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