Chapter 5: The ball

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Chapter 5

His eyes glowed.. I could see it..

Rose stopped, gasping for air.. She had reached the dining room and some of the guests had been there. They was like stopping whatever they were doing and paid their attention to her, made Rose embarrassed. She stood up straight and walked into the room, tried to make herself look casually.

That way he smiled at me,.. I have never seen him like that.. Was it just me,.. or I've seen his long white fang hidden behind his lips..?

Rose approached Frances, who was standing beside a big window. Frances had told her not to lose sight of her, because she wanted to make sure that Rosalie could behave. As soon as Rose took place next to her aunt, Frances turned and scolded:

_ I've seen you running! A lady shouldn't run like that, it could ruin your dress! Where have you been anyway? You should have been here with me to greet the guests!

_ I'm sorry, aunt Frances.. - Rose looked down, avoided her aunt's glare - I have been with Lizzy and Ciel and.. I lost sense of time..

_ Speaking of them, have you seen them? - Frances looked around - They haven't come here yet!

_ Oh, really? I thought they were heading here... No worry, they're here! - Rose said with relief and pointed to the door, where Lizzy was standing and waving at her with a smile!

Lizzy,.. coming in hand-in-hand with her fiancee, Ciel... and the black butler following behind them. He smirked at her!

Rose was like frozen at that devilish smirk that she dropped the glass she was holding. The glass fell to the ground and crashed into many pieces. The wine poured out and spilled all over the ground. The maids quickly came and took away the pieces of glass and cleaned the wine. All the guests looked at her as she turned her face away. Frances gently came to her:

_ Are you alright? I've never seen you so clumsy!

_ I'm alright, aunt! - She made up a smile and she turned towards the guests, bowed to them as an apology - My apology to all of you! Please enjoy your night!

The guests turned their attention away as they continued chatting and drinking. Frances looked at her with worrying eyes. Lizzy and Ciel stepped to her:

_ What happened, Rosie-nee..? - Ciel asked

_ Yeah.. being that clumsy isn't like you at all! - Lizzy frowned her little eyebrows - Or may be your corsets are too tight!

Rose let out a laugh at her sister's reason. Well.. it's too tight.. so tight that I can't breathe but.. She looked up at the butler behind Ciel. It's not the reason..

_ Well, I assume you are just making excuse to get out of this ball, aren't you, "dear sister"? - Edward suddenly came out of nowhere as he giggled sarcastically - Since you couldn't handle it!?

Rose turned to him with an annoying glare. She became irritated because she knew that.. those annoying words were correct. Rosalie could hardly make it through this kind of noble ball.

_ Come on now Edward.. you shouldn't say that to your sister.. - Another man came to them. He was an middle-aged gentleman in noble black suit with a badge of the Majesty Royal Knight on his chest. He came with a smile - Good evening, everyone!

_ Daddy! - Lizzy ran to him with a big hug. Frances also came and stood next to him on the right, at the position of the wife. Yes, that gentleman was Sir Alexis Leon Midford.

_ Good evening, Sir Midford! - Rosalie and Ciel smiled greeting him. Ciel was just his daughter's fiancee, and Rose was his stepped daughter, so normally they did not express much as his familiars. Even though he had adopted me.. he could not replace my papa..

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