Chapter 3: The big surprise

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Chapter 3:

Rosalie and Sebastian were walking down the hill. The sky became darker and the woods didn't look as charming as it did with sunlight. In fact, it was rather creepy and mysterious.. made Rose recall some horror story she used to read when she was bored, about how people got lost or disappeared when they walked into the forest in the dark.. They would never return.. Well she could be brave and fierce at many times but.. she was just a girl for God's sake!

_ My lady, please keep up with me.. you wouldn't want to be lost at this hour.. - Sebastian turned with a smirk.. made Rose startled.. Was he reading my mind just now..?

_ O..Ok ..!

They kept walking but Rose could hardly see the trail.. It got so dark that I can barely see a thing.. But she could still see Sebastian walking in front of her.. He might be a strange man but.. he won't lost me.. She thought so and that was quite relieved to know..Walking with someone was always a better option that alone..

But then suddenly, a rustling noise came out from the woods, made Rose feel chilly.. The horse stopped and whinnied.. He lowered his head.. He's scared of something..

_ My lady.. we really should get out of the woods as soon as possible.. - Sebastian had noticed that the horse stopped moving, so he turned around with a warning.. - It's getting darker and darker..

_ Alright, I've got it but.. - She sounded confused - Come on,.. Jupiter let's go..

She tried to make the horse move but useless.. Jupiter just stood there, whinnied and jumped.. Rose must have tried very hard to stay steadily on its back..


A loud and sharp sound shot through the night.. The horse jumped up high and threw Rose off his back.. He became crazy and lost his control.. It ran into the woods..

Rosalie fell off the horse.. She closed her eyes tightly.. waiting for her own butt to crash the ground.. She was ready for the pain being thrown away by a strong horse.. But strangely, she didn't feel any pain,.. so she opened her eyes and saw herself wrapped up in Sebastian's arms..

_ Are you alright, my lady? - He looked down on her with concerning eyes..

_ Yes.. I'm fine.. Thank you! - She blushed and looked away! Thank god that it was dark or else he would see me so embarrassed like this.. - What was that sound..? Was it gunfire?

_ Yes, apparently.. - Sebastian gently put her down and answered - Look like someone loves night-hunting.. This area doesn't abandon hunters anyway..

_ Then we have to find Jupiter.. - Rose said and ran back to the forest before she was held back..

_ No my lady, it's too dangerous for someone like you to get deeper in this forest at night.. - Sebastian said while holding tightly to her arms.. - There're hunters.. and I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't recognise what is human and what is animal..! Besides.. it's just a horse..

_ Right.. there are hunters in that forest, which puts my Jupiter in danger.. - Rose tried to resist.. - And you're wrong.. it's not just a horse.. Vincent gave him to me and I won't lose him! If you want to head back to the mansion, be on your way.. I will follow as soon as I find him..

Then she ran off... disappeared in the forest's darkness..

What's with that girl? Taking a horse so seriously... I can't understand it..

He frowned and narrowed his eyes.. Demon's eyesight was not bad, so he could see her really clear even in darkness.. Then lowering his head, he let out a sigh.. Young Master, you'll have plenty of time preparing your surprise..

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