Cravin' Flesh

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Most people think I'm untamed,
But that's not really true,
They just have yet to discover,
My leash and they've yet to catch me,
I'm still waiting on you,
To chase me down,
I promise I won't out run you,
At least not for a long time anyways,

Catch me Catch me,
Catch me if you can,
Cau see my legs can only,
Wait for you for so long,
Don't make me restless,
Because I don't have to stay,
My heart doesn't depend on your answer,
I can easily move on from you,

I just need someone to play with,
Only for a little while,
If you're a good fuck,
Then maybe we'll be partners for life,
Come on Come on,
You know I won't wait,
I don't care about you feelings actually,
All I want is you body.

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