Be Different

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Stand up for your thoughts,

Be different today,

Because tomorrow the world,

Will come closing in around you,

Say what you can,

Oh be Strong be Strong,

Don't you ever let their words,

Tear you down,

Be like the artist

Who never rests until the piece is finished,

Even when society sits back,

And tells you that they don't get it,

Be like the musician,

Who keeps on trying,

Even when society says,

You'll never stand out amongst the wannabes,

Be like the person who stands off to the side,

Who offers the shoulder to cry on,

When society tells you,

You'll never be noticed,

Be like every dreamer to ever have been born,

Who would keep your head in the clouds,

Even when society tells you,

You'll never make a difference,

For you are sweeter than candy,

The apple in my eye,

The beginning of something beautiful,

The twinkle in the sky.

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