Emmental Plan

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We once again arrive at Sam's house. He has a key this time, inserts it into the lock and twists. As we walk in, I begin to think more about telling everyone that Grayham did it. It would be so much easier. I tell Sam, and the two of us go triumphantly to Mrs Thornton (the deputy head who has been on our case since the police incident). We're let off, Grayham gets in trouble and I live happily ever after with my new found friends.

I'm not that stupid though, I know it's too late for that now. Plus, if I had just told the police about Grayham, I never would have begun to talk to Sam. I mean, I'm at his HOUSE. The home of Sam Gardener. For the second time. That's something I never thought I'd say.

When we walk into his room I am once again shocked by the extreme level of mess. Luckily it's easier to ignore this time, I'm beginning to become used to it. We again find ourselves a safe place to sit and Sam begins to speak, "I talked to them today. They were both in lessons, and I have other people that can vouch for them. So, in other words, they're in the clear. What do we do now?" He looks at me as if I have all of the answers in the world. It becomes quickly apparent that I have no idea, but despite this I decide to speak anyway,

"Well, maybe it wasn't someone in our form. I mean, I'm not exactly best friends with any of them anyway. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have known I have asthma." I say. Sam thinks hard, and then looks at me.

"So you think it was one of your friends? Well then, let's list your friends instead this time. I mean, no offence, but if they know you then they probably know me, so all of them will be pretty high on the suspect list, won't they?" He sounds rather pleased with himself, even though he really wasn't necessary in Grayham's plot, just a happy coincidence. I, on the other hand, am not. Why did I say that? I don't want him to know that I only had one friend. And that is precisely the worst thing, too. Had. I swallow and speak slowly.

"Well, I mean, most of my friends don't really know about my asthma. In fact only one does. That guy from yesterday, you asked me if he was my friend? Well, he is. I mean, he was. We fell out at lunch yesterday. So." I finish. Triumphantly, he stands up.

"Then it must be him, mustn't it? He basically just stabbed you in the back. And he's trying to bring me down with you." That was smooth, now he'll never know that I'm a complete and total liar, and really only have one friend. If I was 7 right now I'd have my mother on my case, telling me the story of the boy who cried wolf and how he was brutally eaten alive along with all of his sheep after he told tales to the villagers. Christ, stories with morals really can be brutal can't they? I nod, deep in my thoughts about wolves eating little boys, and how I'd be perfect prey considering my size. Sam stands up and hits me on the back, probably trying to encourage me, possibly not. "Right then, tomorrow, we'll go right to that annoying witch Thornton and tell her exactly what we know. Even if they don't believe us at first, at least we'll have some kind of ally by, right?" I internally laugh at his misunderstanding of the world alibi, but only internally, or he'll probably hit me harder next time. I stand up too.

"Yeah, definitely. Okay." I wonder why we're standing now, but after a few seconds realise it's because I have no reason to be here anymore. "Right. Well, I'll head off then?" I half state, half ask, hoping that he'll invite me to stay for a while longer. Disappointingly, but expectedly, he doesn't, and I leave quickly before things get any more awkward.

I get the bus home to save my legs from any unnecessary excersize. I'm starting to regret not eating at Sam's house, because now I'm hungry and having to head home to my parents, who must have heard about the false accusations made against me by now. Ah, confirmation that I'm right. There's mother waiting for me outside the house. Great. I smile at her.

"Hi mum. What's for dinner?" She rolls her eyes. "Uhm, what's wrong?" Okay, false innocence doesn't seem to be paying off.

"Well, Casey, the school called us earlier about a certain incident that happened the other day. Ah- no, don't try to deny it. Even if it wasn't you, this is very embarrassing. Go up to your room and stay in there until the morning. We havn't cooked you any dinner, we thought you might be out all night vandalising other people's property. Goodnight Casey." She walks inside and slams the door for dramatic effect, before realising that I still need to come in and opening it again. By the time I'm inside, she's in the dining room eating salad with the more agreeable members of my family. Ugh, whatever, at least it's only salad. I head upstairs to my room and log onto the PC and read fanfiction for a couple of hours. It might be strange, but it's not my fault that JK Rowling gave up after 7 books. At least the internet is less lazy. I go to sleep at about 10, I'm too hungry to stay awake any later. The sooner I sleep, the sooner breakfast will come.

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