Chapter 5 - Make it stop

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Hey guys I have finished this chapter quickly because
of the great amounts of comments and votes I have received.

Enjoy it and keep up those comment and vote*

Zoey P.O.V

“Do you understand why you are here today Miss Davids?”My physiatrist says staring at her clipboard

Yes I do. Our professors have seen a big drop in student enthusiasm so of course having therapy session until we are ‘cured’ of any bad karma seems to be the oblivious way to go. Or this school just has a lot of money to waste. Either way it means all the medical students need to come see the therapist and be declared mentally sound before we are allowed to apply for next year. If you don’t get the ‘ok’ then you are done with everything you have worked so hard for.

No way in hell that is going to be me. If I have to talk I will talk. At least I know this is confidential and it can’t leave this room. Whatever it takes I will do because I have not wasted nights pouring myself into my studies for it not to mean anything. For my absence in my relationship to go to waste.

“Yes I more than understand. You have to make sure we are mentally stable to become a doctor.”I say crossing my legs

“That is correct. So first we are going to be digging into family matters. Your mother Heather Davids and your father Edward Davids is that correct?”She asks

“Yeah that is them.”I say not feeling too excited about this conversation. It is not really that complicated my mom died.

“So your mother died of an illness?”

“Yes Alzheimer it severe.”

“Were you and your mother close? Did you have a strong relationship before she got diagnosed?” She asks staring intently at me.

It was quite scary sitting there not wanting to show too little emotion or too much she might think I was some deeply scared individual. I wasn’t I didn’t feel scared.

“Yes we were extremely close up until she got diagnosed. Of course it wasn’t the same once she couldn’t remember who I was anymore.” I say smiling at the phyc.

“And your father? Were you close?”

“No. I regret it now that I didn’t ever build a relationship with my dad but all I could think of was how she didn’t care about her because he was always working. Only now do I understand that he worked two jobs not to get away from my mom but to give everything my mom wanted me to have. Like being here. “

My father was a great man and still is. He gave up every second of his time to provide for me and my mother.

“Okay good. So during this period you were in high school right? Would you say it effected you point of you in life and your social skills towards the kids in your school?”She asks

Of course it did I remember shoving kids in lockers and using girls for my own mind numbing pleasure.

“I was popular . I did a lot of sport and yeah you know jocks are jocks we don’t really care what we say or do.”I say biting my lip knowing I started caring after a while. I cared too much at the end.

“Why do you find the need to classify yourself so quickly as just one thing? Does it make you feel somewhat better at the things you might be ashamed of?”She asks hitting a homerun with that question.

“I didn’t care for the most part. Girls wanted me and I wanted them. In that time I thought it was normal to be with three or four girls in a month. It did change though.”I say rubbing my neck

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