Interview with Author: LifeLustingDreamer (Charlotte Evans)

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'Charlotte' is someone I came across by accident through a friend of mine on Wattpad who requested a cover from her talented self. Originally, my intent was to just try and get a cover, but then I discovered, that not only is she a graphic genius, she has a gift in writing both poetry AND novels. Her story 'The Pretty Poison' is utterly captivating and she deserves so many more reads and votes than she has recieved.  Her poetry is unique and emotion-filled and you can't help but enjoy it. Charlotte has been a HUGE help to me over the months and I owe her a lot of grattitude. Thankyou, my dear, for allowing me the oppurtunity to interview you; it was fabulous!

Name: Charlotte Evans (Pen Name) and my two accounts are LifeLustingDreamer and MissEvansIsEccentric

Age: 19

Author of: The Pretty Poison, The Brave One, Lyrics of an Unbridled Mind, Dark Soul Poetry, etc.

When did you join Wattpad, and why?

       I joined on Jul 04, 2012 (I had to check my account haha) because I was writing a book (The Brave One) and my friend who used to be an avid user told me that I HAD to. She has one of those strong personalities that won’t let you do what she doesn’t want you not to do so of course I HAD to join. She’s still a big supporter of my works :)

Out of curiosity, how did you come up with your username?

       LifeLustingDreamer came from a line I’ve read in a book at some point in my life. It described a girl who lusted in life and had the personality of just such… greatness. Idk, I just always wanted to be like that but I’m too introverted in real life so I’m just a “life lusting dreamer”. MissEvansIsEccentric is when I finally figured out my Pen Name and knew that I’m crazy but I’m elegantly insane. The most elegant crazy word was Eccentric so… yeah.

How long have you been writing poetry, and stories? What first inspired you to do so?

      I seriously don’t know how long I’ve been writing, I just always have. I can’t remember a time where I didn’t because I always found beauty in the power of words. My dad being a ‘rock star’ and writing lyrics for his band just made me think writing was normal so I picked it up as soon as I knew what lyrics and stories were.

Can you name some of your favorite authors and poets, and why? Have they had an influence on you at all?

     I don’t have favorite authors really, I just know when I like a story. It doesn’t mean much to me WHO wrote it as long as it’s good. But if I had to choose someone it’d be Edgar Allan Poe. His take on the gruesome and macabre is just beautiful. And hell yes he has influenced me. He showed me (in a very weird way) that it’s okay to ‘dance in the shadows’ and be okay with the darker versions of yourself. Oh, and I do enjoy Sylvia Plath too.

What would you define as a "good story", and why? The same to a "good poem"? What makes these works stand out in your head compared to others, what qualities do they possess?

      Story: Something well written with a sense of realism. I hate when a character has a one dimensional personality or life. I need a story to grab my attention and make me press my eyes to my computer screen because I feel for the character or NEED to know what happens next. As for poetry, I have to see originality. I absolutely LOATHE when people rhyme the same words over and over again. Day and Way. Night and Right. Best and Rest. You and Do. It’s so boring and it makes the poem uninteresting. Works that stand out to me are the ones that make me feel for the characters or feel the way the poem is meant to be felt. I have a big issue for things that just make you go, “Okay. I read it. Cool story, Bro.” *rolls eyes* Know what I mean?

Haha, yes I do get what you mean! Okay, so next question - Do you read on Wattpad, and if so, what types of stories/poetry and could you say a few examples?

     I read a lot of poetry and some stories but since I’m so picky, I usually don’t get past page one. I need a sense of professionalism to keep me interested. The stories I do read are more along the lines of fantasy and horror. I LOVE me some horror. DistantDreamer’s Faethfully Yours series is amazing and MichaelWhitehouse6’s Bedtime, that’s the good shi… poo… yeah

 Do you wish to be a full-time author later on in life?

     YES. I’m still working on my book but I intend fully to publish every one that I can.

Do you have to have certain conditions to be met when writing, such as music, etc, or can you write in any situation?

     I write when I’m in an inspired mood which isn’t too hard to come by with my overactive imagination. As for music, I need silence or soundscape kinds of background noise.

From where does your inspiration come from exactly?

    My imagination. I can’t pinpoint any of it, I just have things pop in my head. Most of the time they pop up when I’m in the shower because, let’s be honest, that’s the best place to think.

Has Wattpad changed your style of writing at all, and if so, how?

     Yes. I have gotten better because I have read some terrible pieces and I’ve looked at mine and found out I had a similar style. Then I’ve read some brilliant pieces and think to myself, “Now how can I improve to that level?”

Do you believe that when you write, you are showing some of your personal traits and emotions in your work?

    Hell yes.

I connect to every single character I’ve written, main or supporting. I’m always expressing the different sides I have otherwise the characters don’t feel real. I’ve heard somewhere through the grapevine that you can’t write about things you don’t know and it took me years to figure out what that truly meant.

To write about fear, you have to be able to know what that fear feels like. Like you can’t write what skydiving feels like if you don’t know how to do it.

Which do you prefer, poetry or novels?

    To write? I enjoy writing poetry more but I love reading published books.

Thankyou, Charlotte! More questions and answers may be added onto this interview later on as after re-reading your answers, new questions have sprung up! ;)

Go check out LifeLustingDreamer's works!

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