Interview with Author: inkzerospace (Emmy)

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Emmy, was a complete delight to interview! I've been reading her amazing works ever since I first joined Wattpad and she quickly became an inspiration in my eyes. Her stories are all amazing and are more than worthy of being published and becoming world-known. Thank you so very much for allowing me this chance to interview you, and whilst it took a while, I'm glad I had the chance to chat to you - it was an honour!

 Name: Emmy Alexander

Age: 26

Author of: Moon, Bitten. Mine, Bitten. A Love Worthy, A Love Unveiled, and Beloved Beast.

When did you join Wattpad and what possessed you to? Was it to read other stories, or was it with the intent to post your own works straight away and recieve a response?

      I first discovered Watty in July of 2011. I was looking for a website to post my work and being an avid reader that I am, incredibly good reads to satisfy my insatiable interest in books.:)

When did you originally begin writing and why?

      I started writing in 5th grade. It was a means to escape the reality of certain pains in my life. At first it began as a mere hobby. Something to keep me occupied and my thoughts from going astray to the things that saddened me most. I never imagined it would stem into the dream it is today. :)

Does that mean that you're surprised by the response you've gotten on Wattpad?

       I am incredulously surprised by the response I've received! I have always been insecure and unsure about my work. I've never shared it with anyone, including family. I didn't think I had the potential to be a writer seeing as how I've had only one creative writing class in school and a 2 hour course on writing for one day. Everything I know is basically self-taught and that alone has always hindered any faith in myself as a writer. I owe all encouragement to my fans. They are what keeps me going.

So you'd argue that Wattpad has helped you improve and has been an educational experience for you? :)

      I would say that Wattpad and all its participants have undeniably and tremendously helped me in all aspects of my writing. I certainly wouldn't be pursuing my dream of getting published if not for the website and its followers. =)

Where do you get your inspiration, your drive to write such amazing stories?

      Typically my inspiration comes at the spur of the moment. The tiniest thing could spark a sudden idea. I am very motivated by other writers and their books. I couldn't exactly pinpoint my inspiration. It comes fleetingly - even inanimate objects bring about a certain appealing notion which stems into a scene, that scene into a series of scenes or beats, as I call them. And suddenly I have a story in mind that sticks until I'm bursting at the seams to get it written.

Which one of your works did you find the most enjoyable to write, and why?

      Definitely Beloved Beast. I found it enjoyable because it was a challenge. My main protagonist was blind. And being an avid fan of Beauty and the Beast, I couldn't resist writing a version of my own.:)

Yes, what made you want to have a blind protagonist in the first place? What gave you the idea?

      I didn't want it to be predictable. I wanted it to have an interesting twist. The idea just came to me one day. My beast had visible scars in which he kept hidden from others and having come across Elle who was blind yet not deterred by her disability, he was in awe of her because if it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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