Chapter 8

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Jennifer's POV

"What do you think your doing!" Seth yells. "None of your busness." I told him trying to get around him. He stood in my way. "Yes it is." He told me. "Well it's not like your my boyfriend! So why do you care so much? I seen you earlyier, kissing a girl, why cant I kiss a guy?" I yelled at him. "Whatever, but I dont trust that guy, he threatened me." He told me. "Fine I wont hang out with him." I said walking away from him.

Later that day....

It was the last class of the day and I was sitting in the seat in the back and James wouldnt leave me alone. I looked out the window at the rainy day. Great, I didnt have my car with me, only my skate board. I felt something hit my arm and I looked down to see a note. I looked around to see who it was from. It was from James.

James- Do you want to go to my house after school?

Me- Why?

James- Well maybe I could show you a good time.


James- Why baby?

Me- I dont like you..

James- You did earlier.

Me- Changed my mind so leave me alone.

James- Do you need a ride after school?

Me- Not from you

James- Why

Me- I dont trust you

James- wow your smart, guess I will have to leave you alone.

Me- whatever. Bye

I threw the note back, and he didnt write back. The final bell rang and I left the classroom and went to my locker. I put my books inside of it, grabbed my bag and my skateboard and shut my locker. "Jennifer Smith please come to the office, Jennifer Smith, please come to the office." The entercom said. Great, what now. I made my way to the office and opened the door. I walked in and Ray sat in one of the chairs. "You called." I said to my princible. "Ya have a seat Ms. Smith." Mr. Evens said(The princible). I took a seat and Ray waved at me. I waved back. "Ms. Smith-" He began but I interuppted. "Please call me Jennifer, I dont want to feel like my mom." "Jennifer, do you know why your here?" Mr.Evers asked me. "To live." I said. Ray started laughing and I did to. We high fived and Mr. Evens cleared his throat. I looked back at him. "I meant, do you know why I called you to my office." "No, but Im pretty sure your going to tell me." I told him laughing. "You were caught skateboarding through my hallways and down my rail. Students recorded this event on their phones. Care to explain?" Mr. Evens said. "That was you!" Ray said with a smile. "Ya." I said laughing. I turned back to Mr. Evens. "I didnt want to be late for class. My car is on the side of the road oh and I helped the new kid." I said. "Your getting a detintion and your getting a detition, get out of my office. Jennifer, go to Mr. Morgan's class and Ray, go to Mr. Lawson's class." Mr. Evens said. We walked out of the office. "So what did you do to get detintion?" I asked Ray. He looked at me and smirked. "I lifted a girls skirt up and took a picture."He said laughing. "Wow. You would do something like that." I told him. "Hey do you need a ride? I cant give you one but my friend Ashton can." He offered. "Um ye sure. He can give me a ride." I told him. He nodded his head and we went our spreet ways and I made my way to the detintion class. It was quit a ways till I get there, so I just got on my skate board and skated through the epmty hallways. I skated into the classroom and the teacher looked up at me and smiled. I just waved and slowly mad my way to the seat in the back. "Arent you here because you skate boarded in school?" the teacher asked in a amused voice. "Yep." I told him. He laughed and said, "Well my son is taking over, so I dont have to do this detintion thing so he should be here in about ten minutes, do you think you'll be able to hold up, while I go now." I shrugged. He left the room and I got up from my seat and skate boarded around the room. I got an idea. I set up some desks and moved some out of the way. After I was done rearanging I started jumping the desks that I lined up with my skate board. After I jumped the last desk I heard clapping. I turned around and seen a freaken sexy ass guy. "That was quit a show. Your pretty good on a skateboard." He told me. "Umm. You arent Mr. whats his faces son are you?" I asked. "Ya I am his son." He said. "Great. If the princable finds out about this he is going to kill me. I ve only been her maybe two or three weeks, and I have been in his office thiry four times... Please dont tell him. Ill do anything." I told him. He smirked and walked closer to me.  "Well" he said only a couple inches from my face, "You could hang out with me sometime, Im throwing a party tommorrow, your invited." He said coming closer to me. "Whats your name?" I asked backing away to put some space between me and him. "Austin. You?" He asked. I smiled. "Jennifer." I told him. He nodded and said "You still have to put the desks back." I sighed. "I was going to leave them like that." I said and started putting them back. After they were put back into place a got my phone out and started texting Ray telling him to cancle the ride from his friend. I put my skateboard down and slowely started skateing around the desks. My phone vibrated and I got it out still skateboarding around the room, not paying Austin any attention. I broke my attention from my phone to the clock on the wall. My eyes widened. "Shit!" I yelled. It was five oclock! I have been here for two hours, and I was supose to be out of here at four oclock! I skated to my bag and threw it over my shoulder. "Why didnt you tell me when I could leave! I should have been out of here an hour ago!" I yelled at Austin. "Sorry, I was enjoying your company." He told me smirking. "Well you can enjoy my company somewhere else besides school!!" I yelled. "I have one question." He asked. "Hmm?" I asked. "Why were you in detintion?" Austin asked. "I was skate boarding in the hallways and done a darkslide down the rail and some students told on me." I said getting on my skateboard. "And yet your still going to skateboarding in the hallways?" He asked smiling. "Yep." I said and went out of the classroom and into the halls. "Are you going home on that skatebboard?" He asked running beside me. "Yep sure am. Because my ride left about an hour ago." I said looking at him. I think it's funny how people try to keep up with me when Im riding on my skateboard. But he wasnt having any trouble at all. "I could give you a ride to  your house, because I know it sucks not having a ride, I've been there before." Austin said. "Ill except your ride, but I do have a car but it had a flat, and its on the side of the road, I put a new tire on there, and then some....stuff happened .. and I havnt had time to go get it." I explained to him. He smiled and said, "There's some stairs coming up!" He said. I swear, guys dont give girls enough credit sometimes. I scroutched down and jumped over the stairs and landed perfectly. I done the same thing to the other stairs that followed it. There was like maybe ten steps then a platform then another set of ten stairs. I finally made it to the door and waited for Austin. "Your pretty good on a skateboard." He told me. "Im sure you've said that once upon a time." I told him smiling. I picked my skateboard up. We walked out of the building and it was pouring rain. "Hey Im going to go get my car, you can wait here and Ill come pick you up okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and smiled. He winked at me and then ran to get his car. About two minutes later he pulls up a mustang thats just like mine but it was yellow. I opened the door and got in. "You like my ride?" He asked smiling. "I have the same car but mine's red." I told him smiling. "Well you have good taste in cars." He said as we drove away from the school. "So where do you live?" He asked. "347 Heywood Rd." I told him. "ok. So do you want me to pick you for the party?" Austin asked. "Ya that would be great." I told him as he pulled into my driveway. "So do I get a kiss for getting soaked and driving you to your house, because I think that diserves a kiss." He said laughing. I laughed to and said "Fine but just one." He nodded and I pop kissed him. I went to get out of the car but he pressed the lock button. I turned back to him and he was shaking his head no and smiling. "That wasnt the kiss I was hoping for." He said laughing. "Fine. Ill give you the kiss you were wanting." I said smiling. We leaned in closer and our lips met. He put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me closer. We were in a full make out session, until I pulled away. "Is that the kiss you wanted?" I asked smiling. "Sure was." He said smirking. I heard a click that signaled the doors unlocked. "Thanks for the ride." I said getting out. "Thanks for the kiss." He said. I shut the door, after grabbing my bag and skateboard. I looked at the porch to see Seth with yet another pissed look on his face. I waved at Austin and ran on my porch out of the rain. His mustang pulled out of my drive way and drove away. "What the hell Jennifer!" He yelled. I pushed past him and went in the house. I went upstairs and before I knew it, he slammed me up against the wall. I winced. "Where have you been!" He yelled. "Detintion." I said. "Detintion let out over an hour ago. What did you and Austin do!" He yelled. "How do you know who he is?" I asked. "He's the quarterback for a football team at a different school, we hate eachother. Im the quarterback for our school. Thats how I know him so what did you guy do?!" He yelled in my face. "It is none of your fucking buisness!" I yelled. "Your such a fucking whore! I cant believe you! You think your all that but your just another play toy! He dont care about you! Nobody does! I mean who would want such a fucking whore!" He yelled down at me. I pushed him away from me. He pushed me back into the wall. "So your Austin's bitch now!? Uh?! Your his whore! Your worthless! Your a worthless good for nothing whore!" He screamed in my face. "Oh so those girls you have sex with about everyday arent whores!" I yelled "I get what I want and then I leave and thats exactly what Austin wants from you! Thats all girls will ever be good for!" He yells pushing me harder against the wall. "Whatever. I dont care." I told him. I dont see why he's making such a big deal. It was one ride home. I didnt see the point in arguing.

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