Chapter 4

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Seth's POV.

Its been one month since Jennifer moved here. She still has no relationship with me the way i want her to. I'm still a player and shes still doesn't like me. I haven't heard anything from Micheal which is a good thing. I still cant get Jennifer out of my mind. Today my parents are coming home because they want to talk too me about something later. Today is Wednesday so I'm driving to school. I was a little bit down the road when I seen a red mustang on the side of the road in the distance. I had to stop at the red light and I just looked at the mustang. Then a girl jumped out of the drivers seat. I couldn't see who it was but i guessed it was Jennifer. She kicked the car really hard then stumbled and fell on the ground. When the light changed green i went and parked behind her car and got out. She looked at me curiously and said "How much of that did you see?" "Well I seen you get out of the car and kick it then fall backwards and land on your ass while I was at the red light so I figured i should help you out" I said smirking. "Well uh can you help me up?" she asked. "What do I get out of this" i asked. "ummm a word of advice." she told me. I shrugged and helped her up. Then she said "Never kick a car." "Well what happened." I asked as i let out a laugh. "Flat tire." she said. "Oh then get in and ill drive you to school but i don't know about driving you home because my parents want me to meet them at the coffee shop downtown at 4:00pm." I told her, as she got into my car. When we were in the car she said, "My mom wants me to meet her there at four o'clock too!" I was shocked she said that. "Okay then meet me at the school parking lot and ill give you a ride there." i told her. She nodded her head okay.---------------------------------------------------------------Later That Day----------------------------------------------

Seth's POV

It was the last class of the day and we had thirty more minutes of class. Jennifer was sitting beside me. There was a guy with shaggy brown hair sitting in front of me and he kept turning around to look at Jennifer. The teacher had to leave for about ten minutes and he said he had to run some sheets for tomorrow. Then the guy looked back at Jennifer and this time she yelled "What the fuck you looking at!" The whole class looked between Jennifer and the guy that was staring at her. "I was wondering if you would go out with me." he said shyly. I looked at Jennifer and her expression softened and she said "No, I don't want you as my boyfriend, and plus I don't even know you." The whole class laughed at the guy in front of me but I didn't. Then she stood up and yelled "If i hear one more fucking person laugh they're going to get the ass beat!" and after she said that there wasn't one more word or laugh about it. The teacher returned and soon after the bell rang signaling for us to leave. I seen Jennifer disappear out of the door. When I came outside I went straight to my car. When it came insight i seen a guy on the ground groaning and Jennifer standing in front of him. "Uhh should I ask what just happened?" I asked Jennifer. Her head snapped up and she shook her head no. "Okay then get in and we will leave." I told her. "Okay one more thing though." she said. She got on her knees and took the guys hand. Then she twisted it and i heard a snap and he screamed. Then she managed to pulled him to the side so i could back the car up. She looked up at me and smiled as she went from the back of the car to the passengers door and got in and closed the door. I got in the drivers side and looked at her. She had a pained expression on her face. "What happened?" I asked her my voice soft. She looked at me and then looked at her hands on her lap. "He tried to take me on a date and when i refused he tried to drag me to his car but i jerked away and then he punched me so I kicked him in his place and he fell over, then when you were there I broke his hand." she finished. Then before I could say anything her door slammed open and there stood the guy that was before on the ground. She reacted quickly and punched him so hard in the nose i heard it crack. Then he fell backwards. She slammed her door shut and locked it. "Where did he punch you?" i asked her. She looked at me for a second and lifted up her shirt to reveal her stomach. It had a bruise the size of a fist. She looked back up at me and pulled her shirt back down. My face was burning because i was furious. I pulled out of the parking lot and asked her "Are you okay?" "ya i'll be fine it just kinda hurts but i didn't break anything." she told me. "okay. So hows your foot feeling?" I said remembering when she kicked her car. I laughed a little. "Hey it wasn't my fault it was the cars!" she said defending herself. I laughed and said, "oh ya cuz every car tells you to kick it when the tires go flat and it will help so much." "Oh shut up if the car just got a flat tire out of no where then its just asking to get kicked." she said lightly slapping me on my chest. I drove out of the school parking lot and drove toward the down town coffee shop. The ride was silent at first until Jennifer reached in her black purse and pulled out a Three Days Grace CD and put it in the CD player built into the car. Once the CD was in she turned the volume up really loud and then the song I Hate Everything About You, and she started singing to it " Every time we lie awake... After every hit we take.. every felling that i get... But i haven't missed you yet.. every roommate gets awake... By every silent scream we make... All the feelings that i get... But I still don't miss you yet... Only when I stop to think about it... I, Hate, Everything about you! Why do I... Love you??" She kept singing so I decided to join her. She had a smile on her face when she noticed me singing to. She was a really great singer and I didn't know she likes this kind of music. After the song went off another one came on but she turned down the volume and said "You sing really good." I smiled and said "Well I might sing good but you sing awesomely." I said while i was laughing lightly. "Well thanks" she told me smiling. When we pulled up to the coffee shop, I seen my mom and dad talking to some woman. She looked about the same age as my mom. We got out of my car and I headed over to my parents. They hugged me. I smiled and hugged them a little. I turned toward Jennifer, and she was hugging the woman that was talking to my parents. After we went into the coffee shop me, my parents, Jennifer, and her mom got a table together. I sat next to Jennifer and our parents sat in front of us. "So whats so important?" Jennifer asked her mom. Our parents gave each other looks and turned to us. "Well Seth this is Jennifer's mom, Martha and we know her from work." My mom told me. Me and Jennifer nodded to let them continue. "Well we know we leave you kids alone alot so we figured that Seth can move into my house so we know our kids are safe." Martha (Jennifer's mom) told us. "What!" me and Jennifer yelled at the same time. "Mom! come on you cant be serious! I have Max and bear to keep me safe, and not to mention I take karate classes! We aren't kids anymore, I'm seventeen you cant keep treating me like a kid!  I can take care of my self!" Jennifer yelled. I sighed and put my arms on the table and put my head in my hands. "We think it is for the best Jennifer so its final!" yelled her mom. I looked over at Jennifer and you can see she was pissed. "Seth honey you need to go home and pack up your stuff and bring it to their house. Jennifer will show you the room you'll be staying in. Then you can go buy paint or what ever to fix it up the way you want it. "What ever I said standing up. Jennifer did the same and we told our parents bye and left. I looked over at Jennifer after we got in the car. "You really hate me that much?" i asked her surprised. I at least thought we were kinda friends. She shook her head no and said, "You aren't the problem." "oh then why are you so mad?" i asked her. If i wasn't the problem then what was? "My mom." she simply stated. "Why?" i asked. She looked at me and said "ever since my dad died she went crazy, so she made me take karate and then she got the job she has now and I never see her but a couple times a year." "Well what level are you?" I asked referring to karate as I drove to my house to pack. "I'm not in a level. I wanted to learn a few things so I begged my teacher to let me be on this thing called the advanced expert level, but its not a level really, its more like a fitness karate thing. So basically you learn a couple of things that white belts learn then you do a whole bunch of exercises and verse people. I got really good but one day I got into a car wreck and lost some of my memory about the things they taught me so basically i only know how the punch ,kick ,flip people over my shoulder and that's all." she finished. I nodded and parked the car. I went inside to pack but all of my things were already packed. I looked at my phone and notice a text message. It read: Hey Seth its your mom, I hired some people to come pack for you so just call a uhaul and take it to Jennifer's. Awesome that means I don't have to do it. So i quickly called a uhaul and put my stuff in it. Jennifer was just standing there. After we made it to Jennifer's house i put my stuff in the room across from hers. I walked out of the room to see Jennifer standing there. "Can you do me a favor?" she asked. This should be fun. "Would you do me a favor if I do you a favor?" I told her and winked. "No." she said. I sighed and said "What do you need?" " I need a ride so I can fix my car and bring it home." I nodded my head and grabbed my keys. She went into her room and came out wearing a black tank top and white basketball shorts. We walked to my car and we both got in. It was about eleven at night so the sun wasn't up. When we made it to her car she got out and went to the drivers door. I got out of my car and followed her. She grabbed the door handle and pulled it but the car door didn't open. She started patting her pockets then she cupped her hands on the window and looked inside it. "Shit!" she yelled. "What?" i asked her. "My damn keys are in there." She told me. I burst out laughing. She scolded me. She looked around and picked something up and smiled. Then she went to her car door and bent down. I walked over to her and bent down as well and seen she was picking the lock. "Are you picking the lock?" i asked her surprised she even knows how to. She turned to me and said "Yes Mr. obvious." she said with a smile and a small laugh. I heard a click and i turned in surprise that it worked. She opened the door and got her keys out. She walked to the back of her car to the trunk and opened it. She got a bunch of tools out and layed them on the ground. "Damn it." She said under her breath but i still heard her. "What now!" i told her. She looked up at me and asked "Do you have a jack to lift the car?" "No" I told her. We heard a car coming down the road and she went to the side of the road and started waving her arms for the car to stop. Shit it was Micheal's car. It pulled over and rolled down the window and sure enough it was Micheal. "Hey what do ya need beautiful?" He asked her. "I need a jack to lift my car up to change to tires on my car" She told him. He stepped out of the car and smiled down at her. Then he looked up and seen me. Shit! His smile got even bigger and he looked back down at Jennifer and said "Ya i have one in the trunk. You can go get it cant you?" he said hold up his keys. "Ya sure and thanks" she said smiling and grabbed the keys out of his hand and went to the trunk. Micheal came over to me and said "Well if it isn't Seth." he said loudly. Jennifer came back with the jack in her hands and asked "You two know each other?". Before I could answer Micheal said "Ya we're old friends." She smiled and walked to her car and put the jack under it and the car started rising. Micheal looked over to me and whispered "Shes the one that was drunk the last time I seen you isn't she." I didn't answer him and he yells "I knew it she is!" "I'm what?" Jennifer yells. "Oh we met when you were drunk one night and out of no where you started making out with me." He told her. "Well... Sorry." she said. "Oh its no problem, you can do it again if you want." he told her with a big smile on his face. "Well I wouldn't count on it." She told him. He started coming closer to her and she backed away. Her was to her car and he put both hands beside her so she couldn't escape.

Jennifer's POV

He put both hands beside me so I couldn't escape. "And why is that?" he said with a smile on his face. Then he bent his face down and crashed his lips to mine. I was trying to push him away but I couldn't. "Micheal get the fuck away from her!" Seth yelled. He stepped back and looked at Seth. I pulled a gun out of his pocket and pointed it at me. Then he grabbed me and put the gun to my temple. He wrapped his free hand around my waist. I could see the worry in Seth's eyes. He started pulling me towards his car. He opened the door and threw me in. I hit my head on the passengers door and it made me black out.

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