Could I Say

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Could I say
Say that I'm fine
That I'm ok
Or strong

Could I say
I'm disappointed

Could I say
I want to forget
Could we be friends

Even if you don't like me
Could I say that
I'll let you be

Could you say how you feel
Could you
Can you
Not that I'm begging

But it doesn't matter
I could say I hate you
But I can't hate
Only dislike
And love

Its to strong a word
I could say
I've had that question for awhile

I could say many things
But I can't
I'm to scared
Afraid to say what I want

You could say I mumble
I won't deny that
My voice is silenced
To quite
To soft
You could say that

You can't say I never try
You can't say I don't do anything
You can't say that I
That I can't love

But I could say that to

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