Chapter Eight: Butterfly...

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On the phone with my dad i tell him whats going on. "I knew it." He said. I was shocked he didn't react how mom did. "Dad you believe me?" "Of course baby, look I knew Angle was a strong woman and I know she knew more than what she led on. I was teaching her how to survive young, I didn't get that chance with you Kennia. We can talk in person. Come over later on and we can talk about all of this." He said. "Wait dad she's hiding from someone. She's at my house hiding out i gotta find out who she's talking about." "I hear you K we'll talk later get some rest I love you." He said before hanging up. I go to lay back down and try to get some sleep. It doesn't work and maybe i get four hours of sleep.

I'm in the kitchen making coffee and Angle comes over up and dancing around. My eyes still feel heavy and overall I feel like shit. "Why you so damn happy?" "Why do you look like the walking dead?" She retorted. "Mmm ok Angle I'll remember that." I say turning back to watch the coffee brew. "Oh hey K I was wondering if I could steal the kids for the day. You and August look like you need a lil break and I'd be happy to help." She said, which was perfect because I needed to drag August with me to Keenian's. I agree to her and told her that would be apprceiated. Once my coffee was done I go upstairs to get ready. August is still sleeping so I go to the closet to pull out some clothes. I hear tossing and turning and i know he's waking up. "Good morning baby." "Good morning love, where you at? I hear you but I don't see you." He says sitting up in the bed. I appear from the closet and sit next to him. He engulfs me in a hug and kisses my neck. "How'd you sleep?" He asked. "Um, I slept ok I guess how about you?" "I slept ok baby." He said. "Hey do you think you can go to Keenian's with me today?" "Awe baby maybe after my meetings and shit. I told you I had stuff to do today." I put my head down completely forgetting. "Ok babe it's fine. I just forgot thats all." I say. He kisses my forehead and gets up to go to the bathroom. I follow after and run my shower..

Once I get dressed I call my dad and let him know that I was on my way. Once I got there we had small talk. Hows the kids, how's August how's life you know shit like that. Once he sees that I'm not feeling it he gets right to it. "Ok so what we working with miss ancy pants?" He said smiling. "Look all I know is the person she's hiding from is up Spellman and is close to Shanny, now I already went through the people we ever chilled with up there. I can probably get a hold of school records or something like that, but as of right now I have nothing." I told him. It's silent as he thinks. "Well for now all we can do is either talk more with Shanny and possibly get her to talk about the mystery guy or wait until new info comes in." He said, and honestly I think for right now I would just wait. I chill for a little longer then head over to Shanny's house. She embraces me in a hug before dragging me up to her room. "Hey girl listen last night what you told me really helped me and what I've been going through. I am going back to school to finish and graduate, and get a career, not just a job and be happy." She said. "Well what about marriage and kids and football games and cheerleading competitions. Girl what about the man that's gonna protect you and take care of you?" I asked her hopping for something juicy. "Well I think when the time is right mr. Right will come along, but until then it's just me and you." She said running to her closet. I can see she was packing the last of her things to get ready to go back to school. I put my head down thinking. "So Shan have you talked to your dad?" I asked. She looks at me puzzled and then turns to finish packing. "Yea actually I did talk to my dad and he's still a piece of shit." I look down beating myself up mento for even asking. "Shan I love you pooh and your dads a fool for not sticking around to watch you grow up to be amazing." "No K he just had.. Other things goin on ya know... He's gonna get it together.. One day." She claimed defending him.

Our conversation didn't give me anything no clues no hints no nothing. I wrap it up telling her I wanted to pick her up at 7 tomorrow night. Maybe with a few drinks in her that mouth will spill what I'm looking for. When I get home Angle and the babies are sleep and August isn't here. I go upstairs to run a hot bubble bath because well the house is sleeping and it's my only time alone. I drop in the oils the bubbles are reaching new heights the bathroom is steamy I grabbed a blunt that Angle rolled and eased myself into the water. Once I'm comfortable I light the L and close my eyes. The peaceful paradise doesn't last long when I hear August come in rushing to use the bathroom. Hopping he's just peeing my dreams are forever crushed when he sits his narrow ass on that toilet seat and farts. "Oh dear God." I sigh washing up early and jumping out. "What's wrong baby? It ain't like you ain't smelled it befo'" He yells out. I quickly get dressed and grabbed my phone leaving the room. August runs after me pulling his pants up. "Baby wait. K what's wrong with you?" "I just need a minute alone sorry I'll call you later." I say leaving out again. I sit in my car for about ten minutes before I pull off. I went to get away for a while. Get my spirit together. August left a voicemail telling me to please come home. I turn my phone off and enjoy my company for a while. My mind finally slowed down, I wasn't over thinking. Life was simple. And then Shanny calls I answer it. "Hello?" She doesn't answer but she's talking. Must have butt dialed. I can hear her laughing and then a second voice chimes in. Masculine deep voice. Maybe our mystery guy. I listen in closer trying to make out something. He calls her butterfly but she never mentions his name. Eventually I hang up and head home. What kind of boyfriend calls his girl butterfly?

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