Chapter Nineteen: If The Truth Hurts..

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Monday morning we touched back down in Atlanta on our way back home. I called Angle a couple of times, no answer. I called my mom, "Hello?" "Hey Ma' hows the babies? What is everyone doing?" I asked. "Everyones ok, the babies are upstairs playing with Keenian." She replied back. "Ok cool, well we're on our way home we should be there in another twenty minutes." I say. "Ok baby, I love you with all my heart." She said. I looked at the phone confused, Why would she say that? Something wasn't right. I hung up and looked to August who was focused on the road. "We gotta get home now, somethings, not right." I said tapping his leg. He doesn't hesitate to step on it. When we get to the house I grab the gun in the glove compartment and we walked up together. When we get inside there's no sign of anyone. "Ma?" I call out. When we get to the living room August runs up on Shanny who was the only one in the room. "Shanny what's going on?" I asked her. "Awe, nothing much Kennia, just the usual."She said holding a gun in her hand. When August attempts to run up on her she shoots him in the leg. I take aim but she stops me. "Woa there wait just a second K. I really don't want you to do anything you might regret later. I think maybe we should sit down and talk about this." She said. I looked at August who was on the ground holding his leg. I step over him and come closer to Shanny. 

  We sit down and she introduces Toots to come sit down as well. I roll my eyes feeling stupid because all of this could have easily been prevented, but no I gotta be dumb and defend this shady bitch. "Where's my babies Shanny?" I asked calmly. She lets out a laugh and I point the barrel of the gun right between her lips. "Toots if you move I blow ya shit out right here! Where the fuck are my kids?" I asked her once more. She's trembling under my gun and I know she still doesn't have the balls to really cross me. "They're fine I promised you they wouldn't get hurt." She cried out. I didn't step back I stayed up on her til August got to his feet. When he stands up Toots looks like he wants to get up too, I aim the gun at his dick, "Move if you want to pretty boy." I announced. He slowly moves back and just before I could turn my attention back to Shanny she was already tackling me to the ground. It wasn't much of a fight because I never drop a gun, I bashed her upside the head with it and shot Toots in the process. Angle comes downstairs crying, angry and fighting hard she lets some rounds go herself and August grabs Toots asking him about his brother. I briefly look at him as he drags Toots to the basement. I don't hesitate to kill Shanny. She looks at me with eyes pleading. "You know what Shanny, I trusted you, even after I knew you was foul, because I thought our friendship was better than this. You grew up with me and we been through thick and thin, Shanny, I kept you safe, I kept you with me we been through so much and you still wanna cross me, you still think it's a game. Mmm it's not though. POP!" I ended shooting her in the head. 

 I told Angle to clean this shit up I go downstairs and find August hitting on Toots asking him about Mel. I sat and watched because clearly he didn't notice me standing in the door way. He continues to hit him and all Toots does is eat the blow and spit the blood leaking from his mouth onto the floor. I close my eyes at the brutality and tried to continue to watch. "Bitch I can do this all fuckin day, tell me what the fuck you know, nigga because I did my homework on you, you like floatin back and forth to New Orleans and I know for a fact you used to hang around my brother, and even more so I know you were there the night he got killed so, just tell me what I want to know." "August your brother wasn't shit, he was a pussy ass nigga just like you, and when I killed ya brother I thought about you, and when I knew the life had left his body, when I looked into his soulless eyes I knew the pain that you would feel and I smiled knowing I was the reason behind it. August i could give a fuck about you, ya family, ya kids, ya mom, ya bitch, ya brother none of that-' "Did you know that you killed your own brother?" I asked walking in. August had tears all down his face as he looked at me confused. I step in further. "Did you know that Ne'Andre? Did you know that Nikko was your little brother, the one you got separated from when you were kids?" I can tell he's confused and I know i got to him. "No you didn't know that did you? You didn't know because when Auja sent you to kill him she left that detail out, because she knew you wouldn't go through with it. She had you kill him because she couldn't have him. She didn't love you Toots, she was just using you, and you let her. See maybe if you would have done you're homework you would have known that, and you would also know that even though Keenian raised me I'm not his child. That so called queen on the thrown of the streets your referring to isn't me. It's King, not queen, and it's August. He's the next for the thrown. So saying that you don't care about him or his family just tells him that you don't care about life." "No, no no, wait no. Look I..I.. I.. Look man." He stuttered. He cried as all the facts hit him hard and realizes the mistake he's made. But it's already too late...

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