Chapter Twelve: Stay Ready..

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Over the next few weeks, all we did was wait. We stalked Ne'Andre's every move. Where he went for drinks, where his girl lived. His house, his whereabouts. Everything to the car he drives on different days of the week. August had his guys on it and we planned the night we were gonna strike back. For the moment we weren't scared, we weren't hiding because we felt protected...

  It was late in the day and Shanny and I were having drinks, and she asked me if I missed my kids. I sat there trying not to break down because I think about my babies everyday. I feel like as a mother I shouldn't have to worry if my babies are gonna be ok or not you know. "Shan there is not a moment that goes by that I don't think about them. This shit hurts my heart that my own house isn't safe for them. This shit ain't right. I got people threatening to kill my kids. Shanny I wanna put everybody that wanna bring any harm to my kids right in the dirt. I'm ready to end this shit for real. I want my babies to live good lives I want them to grow up and not have to worry about if their lives are gonna be in danger. They'll experience some shit I know that, but I wanna protect them from everything that I possibly can man." I say whipping my tears. I hear August approach and he comes and lays on me. Shanny stares at us and tells us everything is gonna be ok. I wanna believe that so I keep praying because when the time comes I'm gonna do whatever it takes. Soon after, she gets up leaving me and Aug alone.

  "Baby." He whispered. I adjust myself to look at him. "Yes?" "I love you, you know that right?" I frown in confusion. "Of course, what's wrong with you?" I asked. He looks up to me and I can see it in his eyes. It's getting to him too. I grab his face and stare in his eyes. "Hey listen to me. We are gonna be ok you hear me. Don't get discouraged. It's hard right now but you gotta have faith baby. We got this and you know that. I love you August and our kids love you and when this is all over lets get married and get the hell outta Atlanta." I said to him. He smiles and then reaches to kiss me. " Yea we can do that baby." He said. A phone call interrupts us and I reach to answer it. It's my mom. "Hello?" "Hey baby girl, look we're coming over Jim has lost his goddamn mind. We have the babies with us." She said into the phone. "Wait what you mean Jim lost his mind, what he do?" I asked. She didn't respond she just said she'll explain when she get here. Keenian came too so I guess it was a family reunion. When Mom came the first thing I did was run to the car to greet August's mom and grab my babies. Once I got them in the house I ran upstairs and shut the door. I held on tight to my babies all day. We laid in the bed and I kept them close thinking this is how it's supposed to be. August came in to tell me that my mom wanted to talk to me. She came in after him and sat down on the bed. "Oh yea, Ma what happened?" I asked her. She put her head down and said that Jim and her had been fighting about his son Rodney ever since Rodney fucked up which I don't blame her for. And finally Jim snapped giving her the father of the year speech on how even though Rodney fucked up he's still his son and he's still gonna look out for him, even though his son tried to kill me. I don't blame him either, but I think he chose the wrong side to be on. Because if he is siding with his son, I hope he plans to die with him as well...

  Ma stayed in the room with me and the babies and we talked. She opened up about her and my dad and her and Jim and all that she's been through. I appreciated the talk with her, she gave me so much advice on relationships and how me and August need to go about certain things. It's been a while since me and her have had a talk like this. It felt good. She told me that despite everything that's going on, and everything that has happened she's proud of me. She said she doesn't regret a thing and if she had the chance, she'd do it all over again. I don't agree with that, I think if I had the chance to do things over. I would kinda leave out the killing part. That part I could live without. I thought laughing to myself. Eventually she left the room and the babies were sleeping peacefully. I got up to see where August was and I ran into Angle and she asked me if she could see the babies. I told her they were in the room sleeping and she left me to go see them. I ran downstairs and went to the basement where August was in the studio working on some stuff. I didn't even call out to him before he turned around and grabbed me up. He planted a few kisses on my face and on my neck. He smiled and I wondered what had him so happy. "Babe' "No babe listen to me.." I hear a loud thud up above me and then I hear screams August and I ran upstairs and I ran for the babies. They were in my room and I locked every door that could lead to someone getting in. I grabbed my gun under the bed and waited for someone to come knocking. Alicia began to cry and I rocked her in my arms to keep her quiet.  My hand was wrapped tightly around the gun and my finger was on the trigger.. I heard footsteps approaching, but they weren't in a rush, which means they were creeping around which means they didn't belong here. I squeezed Alicia tighter as well as the gun and when I seen the doorknob twist my heart pounded, pumping adrenaline through my veins. I was ready for war. When the door flew open I squeezed hard and let the bullets fly. Closing my eyes tightly shielding my babies, protecting mine...

When the dust settled I hear the cries of my mother and I open my eyes fearing the worst. I look down and see my mom crying over Jims body. My body goes numb as I look at her tears fall. He chokes on his blood and I drop the gun in shock. August wraps around me and Alicia and holds me. "I'm so sorry mamma." I cry out. Then Shanny and Angle meet us. "Don't be, they came with intentions." Shanny said grippin on Rodney's collar. "Wow, what a lovely surprise." I say smirking...

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