Chapter 1: Death is Coming

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Chapter 1 :

Death is Coming

 I rolled onto my back, allowing the sun's warmth to seep through my completely sweat drenched clothes. I managed to mutter a few words to the handsome boy who stood smirking above me, "You're so dead."

"I refuse to feel threatened by your words till you find the strength to, at least, get off the floor." His voice chimed. I huffed out loud, glaring daggers at him.

"You're annoying."

"You have problems. Big ones."

I struggled back onto my feet with pupils in slits as I stared across at my new prey; Pace.

Marching forward I grabbed the collar of his shirt as he tried to get away, my nails sinking deep into his pale skin. A smile twitched at the corner of my lip.

"Surrender." I commanded with a menacing tone.

"Or what?" He tested with an arched eyebrow. He looked amused.

To answer his question, I flung him into the water with an evil grin plastered on my face. Idiot. He should know better than to pick on me. Suddenly, a hand gripped mine and I was tumbling down into fresh lake water.

In a second I saw my life flash before my eyes. I couldn't swim. This jogged a memory.

"Myph, don't be out too long with Pace, alright? And remember to take your watch with you; the lake closes at three in the afternoon. Got it?" My mother asked as she undid her apron, her stern chocolate colored eyes pinning down a thirteen year old me. The amazing aroma of her freshly made pancakes warmed my insides. I planned to throw Pace into the lake for waking me up at twelve. Mother always made pancakes at twelve.

"Don't worry, ma," I reassured her, "we're probably gonna come back earlier today. Exams are starting next week." I added on quickly at the end. I didn't have to turn to catch a glimpse at her horrified face.

"Exams?! Dymphna when I get those reports back I better see A's!" I heard her yell as I quickly ran for the door and out to the fresh air. Summer. We were almost there. Just a few more exams and Pace and I would be free once more from the school's clutches. 

It honestly seemed like fate that we both had moved into the same neighborhood and attended the same school all in the same year. It was the best and most pure friendship I'd ever had. The lake was the one place that we could escape as just regular and childish best friends. It was our place.

I quickly put my helmet on and began to ride my bicycle all the way down our neighborhood until all there was left was a long, grey road and the bright green trees I was all but too familar with. I stopped at a small passageway in between the trees with a fading sign that read 'Pisa Lake'. It wasn't even a proper sign. The real name, 'Teritorium Lake', which Pace and I just assumed it was the 'territorial lake' of the owners (whom had moved away after their sons had tragically passed), had been crossed out with a black spray paint, the new name hovering above it. 

I stood next to the sign and let my bike lean against it, debating whether or not I should wait for Pace. A few minutes in I had decided against it and walked through the clear, grassy path. Inhaling, I closed my eyes and allowed my senses to focus around the environment around me. I let my muscles relax as I slowly exhaled. The exams were doing my head in. I needed this moment of peace. But that moment didn't last too long. Before I knew it I was rammed to the ground by my idiotic best friend; Pace.

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