Ahh Memories..

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Hey! So I started this story and I don't know how good it is. Please give me feed back, and I still need and idea for the cover! It isn't working on my laptop, but I'll try and get it to work soon! And sorry about any editing issues.

~live love lax~

Chapter One

"who was your first crush?"

my best friend Annie davids asked. I thought about it.

"I don't know." I said. she nudged me.

"come on Paris! you know!" I sighed.

"his name was Alex. we were little. I thought he was nice at first but he just irritated me." she smiled at me. I put my hands up.

"I was like three when we met! who was yours?" I asked.

"David." she said. David is her current boyfriend.

"we've known each other for over ten years." I smiled.

my name is Paris marina. I'm named after the city my parents met in. I was born in Florida, and my mom was best friends with a woman named Tia landon. they finally got back together when I was three and she brought her son over. Alex was cute. he had honey blonde hair and a sweet smile. I don't even remember what color his eyes were but they were pretty. we didn't get off to the right start. he pushed me off a swing. then a few years later, they moved there and came over. he asked me what my name was.

"Paris." I said proudly. I always thought my full name, Paris Arabella was so pretty. he wrinkled his nose.

"why'd your mommy name you ferret?" I rolled my eyes. I was an interesting three year old.

"pear-is." I said dramatically. he smiled

"you look like a ferret."

we really hated each other. he pushed me in a lake, I told the girl he liked he liked her in front of the whole class, he broke my foot, and I broke his arm after he broke my foot. his nickname for me was "ferret." I called him "pig" because his mom always yelled at him for being a pig. there were so many incidents with the two of us.

one day in seventh grade I came home and saw my parents who were about to explode with excitement. my mom looked like me. brownish blonde hair, she was young. late twenties. I was born when my parents were 18. my dad had blonde hair and green eyes, like mine. I smiled,

"what?" my mom jumped with excitement. literally.

"I got a promotion!" we all danced.

"were moving to new jersey!" I froze.

"jersey?" I said. she nodded with excitement.

"two weeks baby!" I stopped.

"what?" she saw my face and took my hands.

"I know baby. it's ok. well see all of your cousins. we can come

visit your friends. maybe ms.landon and Alex can..." I stopped her.

"I want nothing to do with him." she sighed.

"ok. I'm sorry. I called your teachers. they know. and we can have a party for your friends here." I smiled.

"really?" she nodded and smiled.


I had the party of the year. it was so sad to say good bye to my friends. especially Michelle and Giana.

"I'll miss you two." I said before I left. Giana smiled.

"everyone is gonna miss you chipmunk." I don't know why I got all of the rodent names.

"yeah everyone loves you girly." Michelle saidsmiling sadly. I hugged Michelle.

"I love you mitchie Lou." I hugged Giana.

"I love you nemo." they smiled. and we all did a group hug. they left so it wouldn't be that sad.

there was a knock on my empty bedroom door later. "come in." I choked out. it was Alex.

"what do you want pig?" I said. he smiled.

"good to see you too." I sighed.

"I'm going to miss everything here." I said looking around.

"even me?" he asked surprised.

"especially you, because I hate you the most. I mean I have never met someone who pushed someone in a lake, broke their leg, calls them ferret... maybe I should stop there. we have to be out of the house by two." he smiled

"I'll miss teasing you I guess. but I don't know. I guess I'll have to find a new enemy." I sighed and he came closer. I punched him in the stomach hard. he groaned.

"Well always be enemies. now get out before I break your arm again." he laughed and I tripped him. he fell on his face. I laughed and he grabbed my leg so I fell on my back. I heard my back crack.

"get out." I choked out. he got up and left. I don't think he knew I saw him look back.

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