Chapter 2

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"John!", Adam yelled from somewhere down the bunker's tunnels, "I think you should see this!"

I ran down the hallway to find that everyone was already in the room, staring at a couple of computer monitors hanging from the wall. Nine was leaning against the wall, staring intently at the screens. Six and Marina were sitting in the corner casually talking to one another. Sam and his dad were crowding around the screens in front of Adam, who was sitting in the chair at the compute's controls. He swiveled the chair to face me as I walked in, and he gave me a questioning look, as if he knew that I believed that something had gone awry.

"Take a look at this.", he said, moving out of the way for me to see what was on the screens. It was a map of the Earth. It looked like any normal map until I saw a lot of small blue dots crowded into one small area.

"Somehow, they were tracking you around the world. They knew where you were hiding in certain areas but could not pinpoint the exact location. But that's not what caught my attention.", Adam continued, looking at me expectantly as I continued to study the map. Other than the dots indicating the four of the Garde sitting in this room, there was a blue dot bouncing around the map frighteningly fast, as if the tracking mechanism were having a fit of some sort.

"That dot must be Ella.", I said, turning my attention towards Adam.

"Precisely, but there's still one more anomaly on this map.", Adam said, pointing to a labelled black dot hovering over a vastly forested area in South America. The dot was labelled "S.M.".

"What does the marking mean?", I asked, once again averting my attention back to Adam, who was scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"Whatever it is, if it's specifically on this map, which has no other purpose other than to track all of you, then it is vastly important. Dangerous to them, immensely helpful for us."

"Must be if the Mogs've been tracking it.", said Nine, stepping away from the wall to stand next to me, studying the monitor.

Suddenly, the black dot blinked out for a second, revealing a red dot labelled "Temple" beneath it.

"O.K., so not only is there something there that we might need, but there's also a place that the Mogs have been monitoring. Do you know anything about a temple or something called 'S.M'", I asked Adam, who was still tapping his knees in concentration.

"I might be a pure-blood, but I was still a child when I left here. They treated me as such. If it was something important, I was the last one my father or any of the scientists was going to tell.", Adam said, staring thoughtfully at the screen as the black dot reappeared, covering the red one.
Adam scrolled over the black dot and clicked, clearly attempting to find any more information about the two labelled dots. A small window popped up on the screen, with only a couple of incoherent sentence fragments outlining the uses of this 'Temple'. It read 'Loric chamber. Forcefield. Keep them away at all costs.'

"Well, I think we've found our first course of action.", Nine said, clapping me on the back.

"We still need to stop the U.N. from getting the world to be placated by the Mogs.", Adam retorts, reminding Nine that there are much more important things to be working on rather than a hunch that this 'S.M.' might be important.

"We should probably split up then.", Six interjects. "Marina, Nine and I will go check out this 'temple' and 'S.M.' while you,  Adam and Sam go to deal with the politicians."

"You have to get to South America. Unless you use one of the Mogadorian stealth runners in this compound, it'll take you at least two weeks to get there and then back up here.", Adam said. "I've had experience flying the cruisers, so I could handle flying there without any problems."

"I'd prefer to go with you guys either way.", Nine said. "I don't exactly think that you two are the most persuasive people. And we still need to keep the soldiers out front in check."

"So it's settled. We'll go check out this temple that the Mogs have been surveying, and you guys will go into the city to deal with the boring old politicians."

"What about Eight?", Marina said quietly. She had been completely silent throughout the course of the conversation.

"It says that the temple is Loric, correct?", Adam offered. "Perhaps we can take his body and lay it to rest within the temple. The document says that there is a forcefield, so clearly the Mogadorians have been having issues entering it. It would be a fitting and safe resting place for him."

"That's what he would have wanted...", Marina says, smiling to herself.


Adam immediately left to go prepare the stealth ship to fly to the temple, leaving the rest of the Loric to quietly converse among themselves for a short time.

After about an hour, Marina, Six and Adam climbed aboard the ship with Eight's body, and they were gone. The Loric had gone separate ways.

A/N: So I've recently returned to the land of the writing on Wattpad, and I may be a little rusty, but I hope to be uploading a lot more quickly and frequently. As always, any feedback is greatly appreciated, and I would absolutely love to hear any suggestions that you guys may have. Thanks for reading! 

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