Chapter 3

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I had awoken approximately 3 hours ago, completely surrounded by darkness. As I tried to get my bearings, I walked into a wall and realized that I was in some sort of containment cell. I wasn't going anywhere for the time being. I proceeded to take a seat and begin meditating in the center of the box. And then, after about an hour of deep thought, the Earth said "Hey Eleven, you seem to be having too much of a good time. Allow me to help you with that.". And now here I am, in freefall, flying around this small titanium box like a fish out of water. Life is just peachy.

All of a sudden, mother Earth chose to flip the gravity switch, and I slammed into the floor of the cell as all motion ceased.

One wall of the cell blew off its hinges, and almost immediately I was flanked on all sides by Mogadorian soldiers pointing their blasters at me. Ah, I think to myself, I was in transit between Mog bases. Simply fantastic.

I stare at the Mogadorian soldiers around me one-by-one. As I turn my attention to each one in turn, they become uneasy and a couple begin to fidget and rock between the balls of their feet. So my reputation precedes me once again.

The two Mogs standing at the entrance move aside to reveal a Mogadorian woman in a commander or general getup. Hard to tell when these idiots act like they've seen a God whenever they see someone taller than them. Stupid tank bred Mogadorians.

"I am Commander Ignath.", she says to me. "And you are now my prisoner. I dictate your rights, your attitudes and your thoughts. If you step out of line, I will personally see to it that you are treated accordingly. Do we understand each other?"

"Crystal clear, bitch.", I say as I raise my right arm towards her, morphing it into a laser cannon and opening fire. Unfortunately enough for me, one of the soldiers seems to have faster reflexes than her, and dives, pushing her out of the way and taking the blast instead. He immediately explodes into a plume of ash. The Commander slams her hand down on a button on a command console strapped to her arm.

A sharp, high frequency chirping blasts on my ears. My muscles tense, and, before I can do anything about it, I fall to the floor clawing at my ears, but the sound doesn't stop. It's not in my ears, it's in my head, reverberating about like a bullet ricocheting in a metal room. As quickly as the torture began, it was gone, leaving me gasping for breath, with a high pitched ringing in my ears.

"Let me repeat myself.", the Commander stepped forward, kicking me hard in the ribs. I barely feel it. "If you step out of line, you will be punished. Are we clear?" Her teeth were clenched and she was obviously upset at having been shot at by a subordinate. Or so she thought. I wasn't about to take orders from some dickweed who thought she could order me around. She was also a Mogadorian, the murderers of my people. There was that too.

"Fuck you. If you think I take orders from anyone, you'll be dead within the week." I grimace as the high pitched whine returns to my ears, despite it being much less severe than the last time.

"We'll see about that.", she says, walking away from me.


Adam landed the stealth runner a few miles away from where the temple was, so that we wouldn't get noticed if there were any Mogs around. Didn't want to get seen even before we had landed. We'd been hiking through the wilderness for the past hour, when we came upon a clearing, revealing a small Mogadorian encampment, and a large Incan-looking temple looming over it.

After surveying the clearing for a few minutes, invisible thanks to my legacy, a helicopter made a strafe run over the base and dropped a metal crate dead in the center, crushing a Mogadorian that hadn't been paying attention. If they're going to end up killing themselves, maybe we should just let them be for a while. Let nature take its course, I thought to myself.

A small group of approximately 15 Mogadorians plus a woman that looked like she was the leader of the base immediately moved towards the crate as a wall, presumably the door, exploded from its hinges. Inside seemed to be.... a person. He was crouched in the corner, where the light from outside hadn't reached. I couldn't see any more of his features. While the Mogs were distracted, Adam, Marina and I crept into the camp and took cover behind a guard post with a mounted blaster overlooking the grounds of the base. It also gave us a better angle of what was going on inside the box.

"So do we open fire now or not? I think it would be advised. This post won't stay unmanned for long. The next watchman should be around within the next few minutes.", Adam said, fidgeting slightly, clearly nervous about being caught, despite being invisible.

"We should probably wait and see what's going on inside the box first.", Marina commented. She seemed to be just as curious as to what was going on as I was.

When I peered over the cover again to look towards the box, the female Mogadorian was walking towards what seemed to be the tent of operations. She had a big smirk on her face, one I was planning on wiping off very soon. I looked back towards the metal cell to see two burly Mogadorian soldiers dragging whatever was inside by the arms towards what seemed to be some sort of containment unit. The man that was inside looked like nothing I'd ever seen before. His skin was pale, almost pure white. He was extremely tall and heavily built, around 7'6 with an all around muscular build, and one of his arms was completely made out of metal. Every few seconds, the machinery would whir or the metal would pulse a bright purple colour. His face showed the wear and tear of a prisoner. As I watched the man being dragged in our direction, he began to click his tongue in his mouth and move his head from side to side, as if scanning his surroundings. But that was impossible. He had a black bandana wrapped around his eyes. He continued his "survey" of the area, until he turned in my direction, clicked his tongue once, and cocked his head in my direction, as if deep in thought.

Had he seen me? No that's impossible. Even if he wasn't wearing that bandana over his eyes, I was still completely invisible.

The man smiled in my direction for a brief moment, and then he stood up on his feet, not allowing the Mogs to drag him any further. He ripped his metal arm out of one of the guard's grasps and, as he turned to face the second guard, his arm transformed into a massive spike, and he stabbed the guard straight through the bottom of his mouth. The spike protruded at least a foot from the top of the Mog's head. The guard exploded in a cloud of ash around the man. And that's when Adam got up, took hold of the mounted blaster, effectively becoming visible, and opened fire.

All hell proceeded to break loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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