Chapter 1: Zaya

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I got up at my usual time, 6:30 a.m. School didn't start till 9, but I needed to have some me time, before my dreaded time at school. Mom was sleep, and so was Dad. Alaina wouldn't wake up till later, even though her bus came at 7:45. I went to the bathroom I shared with my sister, and used the toilet.
Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on some moisturizer to help my pores. My alarm rang once more signaling it was 6:45.
"Alaina!" I called to my sister who needed to get up.
I could hear her moaning as she made her way to our bathroom. When she came in, I smirked at her. "Bad night?"
She rolled her eyes at me, and turned on the shower. I got my makeup bag, and headed back to the room we shared. My new school was full of queen bees. Everyone expecting you to have style. My style consisted of skinny jeans, some sneaks, and a t-shirt. Nothing extravagant. I wasn't trying to impress anybody.

I went to school for an education, enough said. I made decent grades, A's and B's. I was serious about dancing, though. My dream is to be able to go to Juilliard, and dance with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. Ever since I was 12, I loved to dance. All types too. Contemporary, Hip Hop, Jazz, Ballet. They're all wonderful.

"Zaya!" I heard my mom call my name, interrupting my thoughts. I put down my lipstick, and headed outside towards my parents' room. My mom was seated at her vanity as usual. She was doing her hair. Her fair skin looked flawless as always. Her blonde hair fit her perfectly.
"Yes, Mom?" I answered.
"Hey, sweets," She turned to look at me. "How are you?"
"I'm okay, I guess. How about you?"
"Great. Although, your father," She pointed behind me. "Is sick with a cold. Is there a way you could get home earlier tonight?"
"I have work, remember? Esther wanted me to work a double shift tonight. Alaina gets home at three."
"I know. But Zaya, Alaina has to go to a friend's place for a project. Plus, you're working yourself to the bone. You have dance practice 4-6, then you work a three hour shift right after. You hardly have time for your homework."
"But I have time for it."
"Zaya, darling, don't you think you need to stop practicing dance for a little while?"
I looked at her with wide eyes. "What?"
"Sorry, sweetie. But it's taking you out of your studies. School comes first."
"But I'm going to school to dance, Mom. It's all I've ever wanted to do. If anything, work is getting ahead of my schoolwork. Please just let me continue?"
Mom sighs. "I guess. But if you start messing up..."
"I won't. I'll try to be home by 8," I kiss my mom on the cheek, and head back to my room. Alaina's in there, trying to find something to where. I go back to putting on my makeup. Pretty simple. Some concealer, eye liner, mascara, and peach lipstick. Again, nothing to extravagant.

As I start putting on my clothes, my phone alarm goes off once more, signaling it's 7:00. Time for breakfast, then morning dance practice. I tie up the laces on my sneaks, and head to the kitchen. There's some cereal in the pantry that looks edible. I pick up the box, get a bowl, and some milk. By the time my meal's made, Alaina finally comes into the kitchen, looking decent. She goes to the fridge, and gets some cottage cheese. Never understood why she liked that stuff. Then I remember Trey, my brother. "Trey!"
There's no answer at first, but I finally hear some shuffling in his room across the hall. You see, Trey is a dropout of college. He basically has no life, and plans to keep it that way. Unfortunate, but it's his choice.
He appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. "What, Zay?"
"Eat some breakfast, bro. You might not do anything today, but you shouldn't miss breakfast."
"Okay, Zay, I think I'll have some bacon and sausage." He smirked, making me cringe. He knew I hated when they ate meat, since I was a vegetarian. But Trey loved to make jokes about it. Whatever.
I finished up my cereal as fast as I could so I could get out of the kitchen. I went back to my room, got my dance bag, and book bag. My car keys were on the counter next to the door. I grabbed them, and left for dance practice.

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