Chapter 5: Zaya

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This douche of a dude is really starting to push my nerves. Everywhere I go, he goes. It's so freaking annoying. I haven't done anything for his attention. All he wants is to get in my pants, and that is absolutely not happening.

When the bell rung, signaling the end of school, I walked out to the parking lot to my car. On my windshield, there was a note. I picked it up and opened it. It said, Zaya, I apologize for being a stalker. But you seem pretty cool, and I wanted to just hang out with you. I swear. I hope you can forgive me. -Walt

It took all my strength not to laugh. Like I would actually believe him. After throwing the piece of paper into my bag, I got into my car, and checked my phone for any messages or missed calls. There was a voicemail from my mom.

"Zaya, make sure that you come home right after work. I really need your help tonight with your dad. Alaina needs you with some help on homework as well. I'll see you later. Love you."

I sent her text saying that I'll be home ASAP. I drove to the dance studio for my evening class. Most of the girls in my class were already there. I went to the locker room, and changed into my dance outfit that consisted of nude-colored tights, high-waisted stretch shorts, and a white crop top. I put on my ballet slippers.

In the dance room, some girls are warming up. I go to the end of one of the bars on the left side of the room. I start stretching. I look over Our teacher comes in the room, a few minutes later. "Okay, girls, file in. I have some announcements to make."

Some girls groan, and she rolls her eyes. "I know. You guys are breaking my heart. But suck it up."

All of us are walk to the center of the room, and sit around her. She smiles at all of us individually, and winks at me for some weird reason. "Okay, darlings. We all know how our first recital of the year is on November 28, right?" All of us nod, and she continues. "So, the students that come for class in the morning for jazz, will be performing first. Those who come in during the middle of the day for  contemporary and hip-hop, will be performing second. This class will be performing third, okay?"

All of the girls, including moi, respond with "okay". Our teacher claps, and asks us to begin with the first part of our dance. The students and I move in sync with the music, enjoying every moment of it.

There's something about dancing to me. It's not just moves that have to be perfected. No, it's about the movements and how everything flows together correctly. We end with first position, and class ends.

Since I have work afterward, I decide to take a shower. Most of the girls have already cleared out by the time I got into the locker room. I took off my ballet slippers, and put them in my bag. I tied my hair up into a messy half-bun, and took of my ballet outfit. I stepped into the hot water, and began my shower. Surprisingly, the shower was very delightful compared to the ones at school. Halfway through my shower, I heard screams, shuffling, and laughing.

I rolled my eyes, and finished up my shower. I grabbed a towel from off the rack, and wrapped it around me. I got out of the shower stall, and found that all of my clothes were missing. I looked and asked around to see if anyone had it. One girl said a boy came in, and took it. Of course the perv would do it. I kindly thanked her, and grabbed my remaining belongings, and raced outside in my sneakers. "Walter!"

He was standing in front my car, leaning on the hood. He smirked when she saw me. "Kind of revealing a lot at the moment."

"Shut up, and give me my clothes!" I yelled at him.

He laughed. "I don't have them."

I crossed my arms over my towel. "Oh, really? Then, how about you explain that bulge in your pants?" He peered down, and raised his eyebrows at me. I smacked him. "Stop freaking being a stupid perv, and give me my clothes, Walter!"

"I'll give them to you, on one condition."

"And what's that, douche bag?"

"Okay, stop with the name calling. It's a simple task." He looked me up and down, and I gestured for him to go on. "You have go out with me."

I started to laugh. It wasn't even a chuckle, it was full on laugh. "You'!" I kept laughing.

"Not even close," He smirked. That's when I stopped laughing. "You're serious."

"On my life."

"I rather go to work naked, then go out on a date that could end into something that we both will regret later."

"So, you're basically saying you would do "it" with me?"

"Heck no!" I tighten my towel. "Please give me my clothes."

"Not until you agree with the date."

"What's in it for me?"

"Your clothes. I promise. And I never go back on my promises. Plus, I won't bother you anymore, if you just go on one date with me," He smiled. "Unless you want more of this wonderful..."

"One date, douche. Name the time and place."

He does a double take. "Wait, you'll go?"

"I need my clothes back, don't I? As long as you don't try to get in my pants..."

"Okay, first let me get this straight. The most I've ever done with any girl, is kiss them. I'm dead serious."

"So, mr. bad boy is a..."

He cuts me off with his hand. "Yeah, yeah, the world doesn't need to know."

"Well, I have a little bit more respect for you now. Can I have my clothes now?"

He hands them over politely, and steps away from my car. "See ya, Zaya."

"Whatever, douche."

Did I just say I'll go on a date with Walter?


Hi, readers!!! This concludes chapter 5 of Different. Hoped you liked it. A late Merry Christmas to you guys. I was trying to give you a chapter in time for Christmas, but my draft got deleted. Ugh! Anyways, I really hoped you guys liked this chapter. The longest one so far. Stuff going on Walt and Zaya land😋😋😋. EXCITING!!! I love you guys so much. Make sure you comment, vote, and share, plz!!!!✌➰

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