Faeries V

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Vasily - Dwarf faeries that are both male and female, though there seem to be more males. They live in barns and make their beds in the hay. They shun human contact, so we have absolutely no knowledge of their feelings towards humans. Vasilys are the greatest horse lovers on any plane of existence. They care for horses at all times, and are especially tender to the ones who are elderly or ill. No human has been harmed by them, but it is believed that they could be quite mean to anyone who abuses their favorite animal.

Vilas - Pronounced "Vee-lahs"; they're female faeries, mistresses of the forest, and are so beautiful that once they are seen by human males, they are longed after forever. They don't like to get involved with humans, but they have rescued them Alpine disasters by guiding rescue teams and dogs.

Virikas - Never more than eighteen inches tall, these unpleasant spectral entities can be recognized by their flaming red color and their horribly pointed, bloodstained teeth. They gather outside the homes of men soon to die and jabber excitedly. To prevent this, people can erect a small shrine in their honor and burn daily gifts of flowers and spices for them.

Vodianoy - Pronounced "Voe'd-ee'ah-noi". They're small male faeries who have green hair and are bloated and wet as if recently drowned. They're completely nocturnal, and are dangerous, bringing sickness to humans, especially sicknesses associated with polluted water such as cholera.

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