Kateon Petrova.

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I have been running for centuries and centuries to come. Running from the same person. Running from him. If he's in North America, I'm in South Korea, if he's in Africa I'm in Europe, if he's up, I'm down, if he's in the east I'm in the west. We can never be at the same place at the same time. it's basically suicide.

I'm tired of running, I'm tired of hiding I'm tired of trying to stay alive, when we all know that one day I'll die. I will be stuck in the endless pit of hell since I've never been the good 'Samaritan' and that's one of the reasons why I'm stuck in this position. I should have listened, I should have, but I chose to be the naive little bitch I am and ignore what I was being told. Now I have to face the consequences. You know what they say "As you make your bed, so you lye on it".

I'm tired of running. I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired! So now I must be put to rest, for my eternity has finally begun....(Dramatically pauses).

Atlanta, Georgia.


Finally! The day has come when I will finally get to meet my Sisters Dopplelicious doppelgänger. My name is Kateon Van Der Woodson Petrova. I know! Its a mouthful. So in order to keep intact with the 21st century, I go by Kate Woods now. I am a 551 year old vampire stuck in a 17 year old's body. I am a 5'8, blue eyed, blonde haired girl with an olive skin tone, (God bless my Bulgarian roots). Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm also Katerina Petrova or better known as Katherine Pierce's sister, fraternal twin to be exact.

Although we have major differences physically, we think the same mentally. But some people that know both me and my sister think I'm more bitchier than her, Which I couldn't agree more of. Me and my sister Katherine, are both tan, but I'm tanner, due to my monthly vacations in Barbados. We always had the same body type, but I am at least, 2 inches taller and lets not forget curvier, I apparently have, a more 'fuller' chest, rounder arse and wider hips, than Katherine, maybe it's due to the amount of junk food I eat, they just coincidentally, go to the right places. Score!

Katherine got moms brown hair, while I got daddy's dead straight, bleach blonde hair, almost white in fact, but at least it has this nice tint of gold in it. It is waist length, Which I know is considered as 'long', but back in the 1500s, it was up to my knees, so I think this is the perfect length. As for eyes, she got daddies rich brown eyes, while, I on the other hand, have mismatched eyes, one hazel brown and one green, due to some shit 'genetic mutation' kind of like, Mila Kunis's, but mine are disgustingly bright, but I actually kind of like it, makes me stick out like a sore thumb, which I don't mind at all.

I knew Katherine's problem about being the doppelgänger. I myself had a curse, but its not nearly as bad as hers....oh so I had thought.

As soon as I had finished packing my room (using my vampire speed of course), I decided that if I am going back to where it all started I might as well look good at it.

I took a good ten minutes shower, just letting the water droplets, fall swiftly down my naked body, from head to toe, over and over again just thinking about the decision I'm about make. It's either, a wise or foolish choice, but you know what the humans say this days Y.O.L.O! so i'll just go for it. There's nothing to loose...perhaps only my life though, eh, never had much fun with it anyways.

After my shower, I gently wrapped my towel around my slim figure, heading towards my walk in closet. Yes I'm the shit. I fucking walk into my closet like a G!

After you have lived for over half a millennium, you tend to have a lot of clothes from different eras, and A LOT of money. I picked out my black jeans booty shorts ^_^ , with my red tight crop top! showing of my flat tanned stomach and also my belly button piercing. I glanced up at the clock and noticed that I was running behind schedule. I hurriedly brought out my red and black bred 11's, and ran to my dresser, to put on my studs real diamond, yes, real diamond earrings. My bank account got 6 figures, which was the beautiful result, of blood shed, blackmail and compulsion. What can I say, its been a bad couple of century's.....

I started rubbing my Sakura scented lotion all over my flawless body, then used vampire speed to throw my outfit on. I made my way into my bathroom to apply my makeup. I love makeup, I'm not one of those girls that believe girls shouldn't wear makeup and be proud of their 'natural beauty'. Its not like I'm insecure or anything, i mean, if you haven't noticed already, I'm kind of, what you might call a, cocky, conceited, slutty, rich bitch. I know I'm fucking hot, and I use it to my advantage. I believe, if you got it, flaunt it! I'm pratically an Aphrodite, in most, if not all, guys eyes.

For my makeup, I subtly lashed mascara on my already long eyelashes(Since I'm a bleach blonde it's like I have no eyelashes at all). With a swift move, I apply my cherry lipgloss. I wish I could've applied more makeup, but time is running out.

I grabbed my suitcases and I was out of my giant ass apartment. It was not like I was going to miss the place anyways..... Ok, maybe a little bit.

I hopped into my lamborghini veneno with my suitcases and waited for the engine to purr to life. I slowly began my journey. From Atlanta, Georgia to Virginia wherever, really was a trip. I stopped a couple of times to get gas, use the bathroom (yes vampires do have to pee) and also to get a little snack.... If you know what I mean ;), I had to keep up my strength just in case things got messy. Other than that, it was a clean smooth ride.

In a few hours, I officially passed the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. I check my iphone 5c for the time and realized it was 4:30 pm. Well, that took longer than I anticipated, I shrugged, but oh well, it makes it more poetic don't you think ?

I started driving towards the Salvatore boarding house. It wasn't that hard to spot. The various spies I had sent said that it was large and bootiful, their words not mine. Since the houses in Mystic Falls were all bungalows, this one stood out like pee on the snow.

I took deep breaths as I stayed in my car to tune in on the conversation going on in the house, trying to figure out how I should approach it. Good, only one person was in, that was all I could tell at the moment.

As I got out of my car I headed towards the door. I was about to knock but I changed my mind. If I'm gonna make myself known, I'm gonna do it with a big BOOM!!! The thing is I don't need be invited into a home to come into it, vervain never affected me on any circumstances, never needed a sun light ring to walk in the sun, i also can sometimes talk to spirits/ghost, kind of like a necromancer, and the best for last, I can't be killed with an ordinary wooden stake. Heck. Even hell rejected me. I don't know why but it is what it is, and let me tell you this, I am loving every second of it♥

A:N/ Candice Swanepoel plays her!!!!!

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