chapter 5

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About 3mintues later I was still crying like a baby. Liam was now holding me and rocking me back and forth in his arms trying to calm me down. He was stoking my hair, but it was no use I wasn't going to be stop crying for awhile. What Liam said stung me chest. I felt like I could move. Like I was trapped.

"Cassie, I am so sorry. This is why no one wanted to tell you. They didn't want to put you through this. But Cassie." Liam pulled my chin up from his chest so that I looking straight into his big brown eyes.

"Cassie, he still loves you." The door swung open revealing a very concerned Harry. Not just Harry. The whole group except the girls, and well of course not Niall. "Cassie what did he do to you? Did Jason hurt you? Where? Where did he hit you?" Harry said. Well more like yelled at me as he took me from Liam's arms and wrapped me in his. I felt like a little 3 year old all curled up in a ball in Harry's arms. I was still sobbing like a baby and by now all the boys were sitting down on my bed.

"Cassie! Where did he hu-"

"He didn't hurt her." Liam cut Harry off. "I told her."

All the boys froze in place and looked at Liam with a 'how could you look' then back at Harry. Harry had a stare on Liam that was filled with hate.

"Harry stop!!! I told him to tell me! I was tired of being treated like a child! Liam was the only one who would tell me! Now all of you out! I want to be alone." I pushed Harry away from me and got to walk towards the door to show the boys that it time for them to get out. Louis was the first one to get up and walk out. He stopped in front of me. " call him." he whispered as a kissed me on the check. Then Zayn left but he too stopped in front of me. He didn't say anything just gave me a quick peck on the on the forehead, and then walked out. Harry left the room but he whispered to me without stopping in front of me "Don't do anything stupid. And yes, I noticed the hickey." I moved my hand up to the mark Jason left and covered it up. Yup...He was pissed. All that left in the room was me and Liam. "Liam, thank you. I really needed answers and you gave them to me. Thank you." I gave him a hug before he left. "Cassie, he still loves you. I just, just know it. He still loves you." And he left. 

 I didn't call Niall like Lou said too. Danielle called ne 4 times and I ignored all of her calls. I figured Liam told her that he told me. And then Eleanor started calling me. Unlike Danielle, when she called and I ddidn't answer she called 2 seconds later. Back to back. She probably left like 6 voice mails, and 20 text messages. But I wasn't in the mood  to talk to anyone, except for Niall. But I knew that wasn't possible. When my phone started ringing again I was going to send it to voice mail but I saw who was calling me. It was Jason. 


"Hey love. How about you get ready and me and you can sneak out and have some fun tonight." He said with his sweet talking voice which only led to trouble.

"No Jason. Listen what happened tonight, it didn't mean anything. And it shouldn't. I am sorry Jason. there is nothing between us anymore. I'm sorry." Without hearing a reply from Jason I hung up the phone. Why was I crying? oh yeah. I was sick. Love sick. I needed Niall there with me. I needed what I couldn't have. I was missing my other half for a reason that could be easily fixed over a simple phone call. Well I wish it was that easy. But it wasn't. But hey...I can dream right?

I fell asleep that night crying while I clung onto a stuffed teddy bear that Niall gave to me when we went to a street fair last summer. We named him Sir Jimmy the Bear. I missed those moments like that. Just like I missed Niall.



Me and Lou sat on the couch as we watched Harry yell at Liam for Liam did. He told Cassie the truth. The same truth that Harry couldn't tell her. Liam was the brave one and told her. In my eyes Liam was the hero and Louis, Harry, and I were the villains. Cassie asked us the question and we didn't give her the answer. But Liam, man he was the only with the balls to tell her.

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