Chapter 24

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******NIALL'S POV******

"CASSIE!" I ran over to her and knelt down next to her. She was laying on the floor in a ball. "Cassie! You have to answer me! What happened?" I gently placed my hand on her check.

"Niall my head. My head. It. It hurts. oh my god. My head. Niall my head." She whispered so it was barley audible but loud enough to be heard. I could hear in her voice that she wanted to cry but she couldn't. "Niall, the pain. I cant handle it. My head. It hurts so bad." she said to me. She still hadn't moved an inch since I got there. I looked over at her and gasped.

"Holy shit Cassie! Your stiches! " her stiches had ripped open and blood was soaking her hair. I quickly got up and got a towel. I ran water over it and placed on her stiches.

"OWW! Niall, that fucken hurts! Don't touch my head!" she said. She looked so pale. And I barley touched her and she screamed like she was being murdered. it was like she was so sensitive to my touch. Or any touch for that matter.

"We got to get you to the hospital, now." I got up and went to go pick her and carry her to my car, But when I touched her she screamed at the top of lungs in pain.

"Niall! Don't do that! it hurts. I cant move. Every time I try to move it hurts. It just hurts to bad." 

"I am calling an ambulance" I said as i took out my phone. I told them the place then sat down next to her.

"Shh. It is going to be okay. They are one their way." I just sat there in front of her. I couldn't touch her because she would be in pain. "Love, everything is going to be okay. Listen! I can hear the sirens. They are going to help you." I heard the front door open from downstairs.

"EMERGENCY HELP! WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard a males voice yell from downstairs.

"UPSTAIRS! IN THE SECOND ROOM ON THE LEFT!"  I yelled back to him. Cassie screamed in pain at my voice. I knew i shouldn't have yelled but I had to.

"Niall! My head! It hurts! Oww my head! My head!" She said to me. I heard footsteps growing closer to us.

"Shhh. They are here. They are going to help you. It is going to be okay. I promise."

"What is the situation." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see the paramedics

"I just came home and she said her head hurts really bad. And i cant even touch her without her screaming in pain. And she was in a car wreck about a week or so ago and her stiches reopened. And she said she can't move and-" I was cut off by a ear ringing scream from behind me full of pain. "And she keeps screaming in pain." I sad back to the man. He nodded and head and knelt down to Cassie. He flashed a light in her eyes which earned him a scream of pain from Cassie.

He said something into his walky-talky. And turned back to me. "What is her name and age?" He asked me.

"Cassie Marrow, 18." I said back with out any hesitation. Then he turned his attention back to Cassie.

"Ms. Marrow. My name is Jeff. And I am going to have to pick you up and carry down stairs. I know it is going to hurt, and I am sorry. But I have to get you down to the ambulance, so we can get you to the hospital. I want you to scream when it hurts, okay? Your friend here, is going to ride with you in the ambulance with you and me. And then we are going to drive you to the hospital so we can see what is wrong, so we can stop the pain." Cassie nodded her head and Jeff very slowly started to grab Cassie.

The instant he touched her a scream escaped her mouth. Then he picked up her head and she screamed so loud that it rang in my ears. Blood had completely drenched the left side of her head.  Jeff made his way down the stairs with Cassie screaming the whole way down the stairs. I followed right behind him.  He placed her gently down on a stretcher and placed an oxygen mask over her mouth. They picked up the stretcher and put her into the ambulance, which made her scream in pain.

"NIALL!" I heard someone shout from behind me. I turned around to face Macy.

"Macy, call Harry now! Tell him to go to the hospital! " She just stood there in shock, and stared at me. "MACY! NOW!" I screamed at her as she pulled out her phone. I hopped into the ambulance. Where they were yelling orders at each other and poking Cassie with needles.

One man was tending to her cut on her head, the other was asking her questions and sticking needle in her. She screamed every time someone touched her.

"Sir, what is her birthday?" Guy asking questions turned to me.

"November 28, 1995" I replied back to him. 

"Her parents?"

"Died when she was 10 years old, 2005.

"Okay, legal guardian?"

"Anne Cox/ Styles"

" Is she allergic to any medications?"

"Not that I know of."

"And did you say she was recently in a car accident?"

"Yes about a week ago. She went through the windshield. She had a blood transfusion and slight brain damage." i said but the words stung. It hurts to think about it but talk about. It really hurt.

"Okay thank you. And what is you relation to her?" 

"Uhh, boyfriend." I said but i wasn't sure because of the whole Ed thing. And it was just complicated right now. 

We arrived at the hospital and they wheeled her in and she wasn't screaming as much anymore cause they gave her medicines in the ambulance. I saw a group of doctors and nurses running towards Cassie.

I walked beside her stretcher as the wheeled her down a hall way.

"Sir you have to stay here." a nurse said as she held me back so I couldn't walk any farther.

"No! I have to stay with her! I cant leave her again!" 

"Sir! Please! Calm down! They have to take her into surgery! You cant go wit her."

"Niall! Don't leave me! Niall!" I heard Cassie scream as the wheeled her farther away.

"See! She needs me!" I tried to push past the nurse but I felt a pair of arms go around me pulling me back. "CASSIE! DON'T WORRY I AM COMING! EVRYTHING IS GOIGN TO BE OKAY!" i screamed back at her right before they turned the corner.

"Mate, you have to calm down! She is going to be fine! They will take care of her." I heard Liam say to me as he pulled me away.

"Liam shut up! She needs me! You heard her! Now let me go!" I said trying to get out of his grip.

"Niall! Calm the fuck down! They are going to take care of her, I promise!" Harry said as he stepped out in front of me. "Lets go wait in the waiting room." Harry said as he pulled me over to the room filled with chairs and people waiting.

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