Chapter 37

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Heather quickly parked the car and we both got out. "You go on in. I will get Adam and find you later. If you get separated just do what you need to do and meet me by my car when you can." Heather said as she was getting Adam out of the car. I nodded my head then ran off into the airport.

I figured since the boy are about 10 to 15 minutes ahead of me, I am going to have to go to the gate. Which means I have to go through security. I got into line, which seemed like it went on forever. I was jumping up and down, I was so impatient. I feel like I am in one of those movies where the girl goes to the airport to stop the guy and he ends up staying and the fall in love and live happily ever after. But I know that wont happen. Niall cant stay. 

It was my time to go through I quickly through all my stuff into the little bin then walked through the scaner. And with my luck it went off. uggg.

"Oh it's my belt!" I pointed down to me belt. The guys nodded then let me go on through. I grabbed my stuff and ran off into the airport. I had no idea where I was going. I just ran. Then I heard screaming. I stopped in my tracks and turned my head, just in time to catch a glimpse of blonde head.

"Niall!" I yelled out. But he didn't stop. Well of course he isn't going to. There are about 200 hundred girls yelling out his name. I ran into the mob to get to the front. I pushed and elbowed many people. Some girls were calling me names and some even knew who I was and were scream my name right in my ear.

After a bunch or pushing and shoving, I got to the front of the mob, but only to be stopped by barricades and security guards. 

"Sir, you have to let me go through! My name is Cassie Marrow. I am Harry's cousin I live with him. And I am Niall's girlfriend. Please let me through!" I yelled over all the screams to the security guard. He just looked at me and then started to laugh. How can he be laughing, I am being serious.

"Just let me through!" I said through my clenched teeth. I started to struggle against the security guard, trying to get past him. But I couldn't. I turned my head to the side and say Paul.

"PAUL! PAUL! HELP ME!" I yelled at him. But he didn't even turn his head to look at me. I let out a sigh and started to cry. I just needed to get to Niall. Or any of the boys. It was useless. I wasn't going to be able to. I slide to the ground and landed on my butt, and cried into my hands. I was just sitting there balling. I lost all hope. I couldn't even move. I had to get to Niall, but I can't.

Everyone was screaming out the boys' names. So there was no way they would look at me if I said their name. They would just think that was another fan. I couldn't- wait a second. I quickly stood up and looked around for Niall, I saw him the I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"SIR JIMMY THE BEAR" that was something only me and the boys knew about. No one else knows who Sir Jimmy the Bear was. At the same time all the boys, even Josh, turned there heads to the crowed. All of them were franticly looking for me in the crowd.  Then mine and Niall's eyes locked. His eyes widened and he dropped his bags and started to run towards me. he ran straight up to me and wrapped his arms around me, over the barricades. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. Niall pulled me up off my feet and over the barricades, so that I was on the same side as he was. 

Niall tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer. "I'm sorry" I whispered into his ear. "Don't be." he whispered back to me. Then I felt more pairs of arms wrap around me.

"group hug!" I heard Louis yell. After a while everyone let go from our hug.

"We have to go in 3 minutes. So make it quick." Liam said to me and Niall, as he gave Niall a pat on the back. The other boys walked away and left us alone.  

Niall pulled me back into him and held me close. "I'm going to miss you." he said. The words brought more tears to me eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said between sobs. Niall pulled away and wiped away my tears away with his thumb.

"Don't cry, Babe. You are going to make me cry." I let out a small laugh through my sobs.  Niall looked at me in the eyes and gave me a weak smile. 

"Niall, come on!" Paul yelled as he motioned for Niall to follow him. Niall turned his head in the his direction but kept his arms around me waist. He nodded at Paul then turned back towards me.

"I have to go." He said in a hushed tone. i have him a weak nod. I went to go open my mouth to say something but  was cut off by a high pitched voice yelling Niall's name. I turned around to see Adam running towards me and Niall. Niall walked towards him and picked him up. He gave him a kiss on the top of his head and walked back over to me.

"I have to go Buddy. But I want you to take care of Cassie and mommy for me. Okay?" Niall said to Adam.

"I will. I promwise."Adam said as he hugged Niall around his neck. Niall gave Adam a kiss on the cheek then handed him over to me. I placed Adam on my hip looked up at Niall.

"I love you." he said then kissed me. The kiss wasn't like any other of your kisses. It felt like this kiss was full of trust and hope. We pulled apart and Niall pulled me and Adam into one last hug. That was probably the last kiss from Niall that I will have in a long time.

"I love you too, Nialler." He gave me a tight squeeze then let go. He picked up his bags. He gave Adam a kiss on top of his head then gave me a kiss on the cheek. He turned around and walked away.

"Wave goodbye to Niall." I said to Adam and raised my hand up and waved and he did the same. 

"I love you Niall. Bye bye." Adam said in his cute little kid voice. I let out a small laugh and watched Niall disappear into the plane's entrance. I hugged Adam tight and turned around. I saw Heather standing there with her arms opened. I ran over to her and hugged her and cried into her arms. 

"Come we need to get home." she said. But it confused me.

"We?" I asked through my sobs. I pulled away from our hug and still had Adam in my arms.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. You are moving in with me and Adam. I don't want you at that house all by yourself when Macy leaves." 

"oh my god, Heather. I love you!" I squealed then gave her another hug.

We walked out of the airport an got into the car. I buckled Adam up into his car seat. I was about to shut his car door but then he stopped me. 

"Cassie, I miss Niall." he said to me. I felt my heart melt. The look he had in his eyes, pained me.

"I know Bubba, I miss him too." I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek then shut his door. I walked over tot he passengers side and climbed in and buckled myself in. Heather got into the car. he started it then drove off towards home.

****** Author's Note******

I am sorry that is short but, I am writing this at 11o'clock at night when i have to get up and 4am in the morning. So I kinda rushed it and I am sorry,

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   Katie <3

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