Ministry of Education

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So, funny story.

I've been doing a Diploma in Applied Drama and Psychology. I loved drama when I joined my Diploma. If that was an infatuation, I think I've grown a more mature appreciation for it now. And no, I do not hate my psychology major in any way. In fact, the last 3 years in my diploma has been great - the best 3 years of my life, thus far.

I've dabbled in teaching here and there. I went overseas with my polytechnic to do a community involvement project, teaching English to non-native speakers, with 6 other peers. I've run some educational programmes here in Singapore - in a primary school and in my polytechnic. I thought I quite liked teaching.

I figured that the best way to fuse the 2 things I loved was simple.

Be a drama teacher.

I mean, I was never really rabid about my love for drama - in compared to my peers. I did do drama projects whenever they came along and whenever I could fit them into my schedule but they never overtook my other life commitments (like school). So being a drama teacher in a school may be a bit constricting but I imagined it to be a nice... compromise to have.

But I made a call to the Ministry of Education (MOE) yesterday and then, plot twist.

MOE didn't want me.

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