The Local Football Academy

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I just received an email at 12.15 am from the Prime Minister's Office. That fact the email came at such a late timing as well as the contents of that email sent a few... thoughts in my head. I feel that it would be best if I expressed them through a short story.


The Local Football Academy

Beckham loves football. His friend, Ronaldo, loves football too. They were friends.

Ronaldo was always playing football. He played when it was sunny. He even played football indoors when it rained. The weather didn't stop Ronaldo's love for football. Ronaldo dreamed to one day go into the local football academy.

Beckham played football once in a while when his parents allowed him to. Most days, Beckham's parents only allowed Beckham to watch the TV and its football channel. Beckham only watched football with the commentator.

One day, the boys had a competition. They had to write a composition about their favourite sport. Of course, both boys wrote about football. Their teacher, Mr. Fandi, had said that the student who wrote the best essay would get a gold medal and a chance to train at the local football academy.

Ronaldo was upset. He knew that he didn't write the best compositions. But he really wanted to go to the local football academy. Mr Fandi knew. He promised Ronaldo he would do his best to get Ronaldo a chance; he would write a letter to the local football academy!

The boys and their teacher waited anxiously. The local football academy wrote back. The letter said that they could not accept anyone. Mr Fandi was upset. Ronaldo was disappointed. Beckham was saddened too because Ronaldo was disappointed.

One day, however, the boys had their compositions back. Beckham could not believe it when his name was the last to be called. Mr Fandi announced that Beckham had gotten the gold medal!

Mr Fandi smiled. Beckham's parents were excited! They knew that keeping Beckham at home was good for him. Beckham took the gold medal from Mr Fandi. Ronaldo was happy for Beckham. Seeing Ronaldo happy, Beckham was feeling better too. Even though the local football academy didn't want anyone, he got a nice gold medal and he still had his friend.

After the competition, Ronaldo and Beckham still played football. Beckham getting a golden medal didn't change anything.

But then, the next day, Beckham got a phone call. It was from the local football academy. They were inviting him to come and practice with them this weekend. And Beckham became upset, no, disappointed.

Beckham grew devastated because he knew how much more happy Ronaldo would be if he had the chance to play with the local football academy.  

Why had the local football academy invited him and not Ronaldo?

Was it because of his gold medal?

Didn't it matter how great Ronaldo was on the field?


Life Option(s):

Join the public service and tell such narratives - and ask such questions - to all sectors of the public service and society.

P. S. "The Local Football Academy" is honestly just a story. It was a work of fiction, not a criticism of the local sports movement. I do not even like football. Please do not start any hateful comments about Singapore's football academies. I know for a fact that some teams are very supportive to youth players in school; they engage the youths in weekly training sessions and even provide them with a stipend!

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