What If's and Rainy Beaches

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Hello brave readers! Please please please bear with me since this is my first ever story on wattpad. Thanks so much! Feel free to point out any spelling mistakes btw.

Now that I look back, I realize that what happened could have been easily different. What if I'd decided to take a summer school class? What if I'd gone to Oak Forest Central High instead of New Hope Prep? My entire life would be drastically different right now. But hey, you never know, life has an interesting way of working itself out. Maybe I would have become friends with Cole some other way.

If I’d taken the summer school classes like my mom had tried to convince me too, I wouldn’t have been able to go to the beach that day. No, I would have been tucked behind the lens of my camera or hidden deep within the words of my story; the story that I have a year and a half to write. Only a year and a half to make it completely perfect in hopes of winning a college scholarship. I still have no clue what to write though.

So in other words, I am screwed if I don’t come up with something within the next 5 months.

If I'd gone to Oak Forest Central I would still be with my old friends from grade school trying not to ruin my  social ranking. Woah, wait, I forgot, I am not popular. At. All. But that may just be because I go to a prep school were I need to be focused on academics to remain at that school. It's a load of bullshit if you ask me. Most of the kids cheat on their homework and tests anyway.

I love New Hope though (hope for short). I feel like I belong there. I may not be popular, but I do have a group of really good friends. I love them all to bits. They may just be the best thing that has ever happened to me. Without them I'd be lost at the bottom of the lake somewhere. 

They are also the only reason that this summer turned out the way it did. 


“LORE!?!?!” Sofi screamed at me through the phone, “LORE!!!! Come to the beach with us today!”

“Whose us?” I swear if Georgi is invited I am not going. That bitch is already ten steps past the mental hospital and I do not feel like ending up in jail today.

“Me, you, Silas, and Noah, of course.” Ugh. I do not want to spend the entire day at the beach with Noah and Sofi. They just started dating about a few months back and they are still in their relationship honeymoon stage where they don’t know that something called too much PDA exists.

It also doesn’t help that I liked Noah in the beginning of the year and I am 110% sure that he liked me as well. We probably would have dated except neither of us made a move. By the way, Sofi knows nothing about this, so… I’m pretty sure that you can tell how awkward it would be for the two of us.

“I think I’ll pass. Thanks though!” I crossed my fingers. Please, please, PLEASE don’t play the, “but you HAVE to come! It would be no fun without you!” card.

“But Lore!!! You need to come! I need someone to keep Silas company so Noah and I can disappear every once in a while. Please, please Lore??? I’d so totally owe you one!” I added a mental tally to my list of how much Sofi owes me. I could almost hear the puppy dog face that she was probably wearing right now. Damn that girl.  “Fine. I’ll go. But you are paying for my lunch.”

"YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! OMG LORE YOU ARE THE BEST!" I held the phone about four inches from my ear as to not go totally deaf in my left ear. 

"Damn right I am. Do NOT forget that you are buying my lunch. Bring loads of money cause I am starving." 

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