How Can I Help?

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Random Persons P.O.V. (they are talking to the police)

"How could that driver have been so oblivious?? Shouldn't they know not to text and drive? If you ask me, that person who hit the girl is an idiot.

From the corner of the street, I watched as the car rammed into the girl and sent her spiraling into the air. Everyone around me watched. We stood shell shocked. We heard the crunch of her bones and felt her head slam into the trunk of the car. We watched as she rolled off the car and onto the ground. What else were we supposed to do?

The second the driver realized they had hit someone, they hit the brakes. Not that this helped much. The girl was already lying motionless on the ground behind them. 

I was one of the first people to run off the curb to her side. I immediately wished that I wasn't. 

As I approached her, I saw that she was conscious, thank god, but she was bleeding heavily from a cut in her head. 

"Someone call 911!" I had screamed back into the crowd of people. "Don't get to close. We don't want to scare her." 

As I knelt next to her, I pulled off my jacket and placed it against her head to try and stop the bleeding. I looked at the rest of her to double check that she wasn't bleeding anywhere else. Thank god she wasn't. 

I could tell that she was fighting with herself to stay conscious. I was talking to her but I could tell that she didn't notice me. Her eyes were glazed over and they were starring straight ahead at the sky. 

"Sweetheart stay with us. Please. Listen to the sound of my voice. Sweetheart don't close your eyes!" But it was to late. She was out. I think that I yelled a few more things at her but she didn't wake back up. 

I heard the crowd quiet and I looked back to see what was going on. Pushing through the crowd with a stretcher and a medical kit were the EMT's.

I remember telling them, "Good. You guys are finally here. She just lost consciousness and is bleeding heavily from her head. She also hasn't been moved since she fell off the car." The EMT's nodded back at me with appreciation and said a quick thank you.

One of the EMT's took my spot and continued to place pressure on her head as the other flashed a flashlight into her eyes. They murmured a few words with each other and then quickly placed her on the stretcher. As fast as they had arrived, they were gone. 

I looked around exhausted. The police were there as well and were talking to the idiot (aka the driver) and a few other bystanders. I wandered over to the side of the road and sat down, putting my head between my knees. After that, one of you came over and here we are."

"Thank you so much for your statement." the officer said and then walked back to his car.


Cole's P.O.V.

You know, at first, I didn't mind hospital's that much. Sure, they smell funny and are all white and shit but they didn't seem that bad. The nurses were nice and the food (at first) wasn't so bad. 

But after two days (I know right?!), I have come to despise the hospital and most of everything that comes with it. I've become tired of the constant beeping of the machines, the sound of tears that seems to come with this place, and especially day time television.

I don't think I can watch another minute of that shit without throughing the remote at the bloody screen. 

I bet you are wondering why I am in the hospital. Well I have a heart disease. My doctor's told me about 4 months ago that I was going to need surgery and, so, here I am. I was put under about three days ago, the surgery went well, and now I am going to be here (apparently) for another 5 or 6 days. Yippee! (hint the sarcasm).

I am in for a fun week. Not. 


Day 3 at the Hospital

I swear I am going mad.

Getting out of this hospital is about all that I can think about right now. Sure my friends have come to visit me, but it's hard. I don't have the same amount of energy as they do. Heart surgery sure takes a lot out of a person. Only 6 more days Cole, you can do this. Six more days till you can feel the grass between your feet and the sun shining on your face.

I look out the window and watch the people on the beach having a good time. Something courses through my veins. Jealousy? Probably. They all looked like they were having so much fun. Surrounded by friends and family, spending a day on the beach.

I was beginning to feel lonely. Sure, my friends came to visit the first and second day I was here, but there is only so much you can do in a hospital with a person who is trapped in their bed. By the end of the second day, I had told them (with a fake smile) to go get a life, that I was fine, I'd see them in a few days when I came home. I couldn't seriously ask them to spend a week of their valuable summer stuck in a hospital room. I had done essentially the same to my parents. Telling them that they should return back to work, come visit me when they were done. 

I sighed. I regretted all of that now. 

Bringing my gaze back inside my hospital room. I focus on my current project: a remix of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. So far, I only have the basics down. I need to go back and add layers and fix all the shitty mistakes I made. I slip the headphones over my ears and let myself slip into my music. 

After what seems like twenty minutes, I amazingly hear a knock on my door. 

"Cole? Can I come in?" A voice calls out from behind the door. I look around the room to make sure that everything is in good order. "Sure!" I call back. 

My doctor, Dr. Stevens, walks into the room. From a quick glance at her, I can tell that somethings up. From the way that her eyes are looking around frantically to her dazed stance. 

"Dr. Stevens? What's wrong? Am I dying or something?" Gosh, now she is beginning to worry me. I've never seen her this quiet. For the past three years that I've known her, she has always been cheery and happy and talking, at the least. What the hell is up!?

After what seems like forever, she responds. "OH! Gosh sorry! No nothing is wrong with you Cole. You are perfectly fine at the moment. I was just wondering if you can help me with something real quickly." THANK GOD! Okay, I was really scared there for a moment. 

"Sure. How can I help?" 

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