Chapter 4

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Jessica's POV

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat. She smirked and I felt a hot, boiling substance inside of me.

"Why, I live here sugar." She took a step closer. The blade in my hand was gripped tight, ready to swing. She looked down at it and flinched.

"Where's my dad?" I took a step closer.

I looked around the room, and saw a closet. I walked towards the door, still facing her. She didn't move. I turned to open the door. Inside was my father and uncle. I turned around to face Cora again, but she was gone. And so was Jason.

"Dad? Are you okay?"

He mumbled as I cut the rope and gag. When his mouth was free, he said," Jess! Behind you!" I turned and Cora lunged on me. She bit into my neck, piercing it a little before I pushed her off of me. I pushed my hand forward, and she flew into the wall. I clutched my hand into a fist, and her face writhed in pain. I walked up to her, knife in the other hand.

"Die you evil bitch." I whispered. I felt the knife dig into her skin, and soon smelt the blood. Her head thumped to the floor at the same time her body did. I ran over to Sam and untied him.

"Jessica, are you okay?" He asked. I smiled, showing that I was okay.

"Where's Lily?" Dad asked. My eyes widened with fear. I ran upstairs and out the door.

"Lily!" I screamed as I opened the door to my car. Lily was laying in her carseat, sleeping.

Without waking her up, I lifted her out of her seat and held her tight. Dad and Sam came running out of the house.

"Thank god." Dad mumbled. Lily lifted her head up and stared into my eyes.

"Mommy? I was sleeping." She yawned.

"I know baby. Here, go to grandpa." I handed her over to my dad.

"Jess, do you know what Cora wanted?" Sam asked sincerely. I shook my head. I felt a stab of pain in my heart. Why would Jason betray me?

"Jess, how did you do that?" Dad asked.

"I'm part demon. I've been practicing. All the demon hunts we went on when I was a kid payed off. I watched how they flung you and Sammy, and so I tried it out. Obviously it worked." I looked down at my bloody knife.

"Jess. I don't want you using your powers. At all." Dad set Lily down and she ran to me. I set her in her car seat and she strapped herself in.

"Dad. It's not like I'm going to go dark side. It was just one little swing. That's all!"

"Jess. I need to tell you a story. But not here. Let's go back to the hotel and talk about it." Dad turned and walked toward the impala.


Dean's POV

Jessica walked into our hotel room, looking beautiful as ever. "Jess." I said. I was soon cut off by her hand.

"Dad," She said, softly. "I know what you wanted to talk about. It's about me going dark side. Right?" She walked slowly and sat on Sammy's bed.

"Jess. It's a story about me and Sammy. Not about you." I tensed up. "When we were kids, our mother was killed by a demon. That demon killed her because she walked in on something that was just horrible. The demon bled into Sammy's mouth." I swallowed the lump in my throat, remembering that dreadful night. I looked up at Jess, who was in shock.

"Dad, I..." She started to say. I cut her off with my hand.

"After that, when Sam was around 26, he started cooperating with a demon named Ruby. Who he drank blood from. He wan't born like that. He was made. Being born is worse. He needed to drink to get the power that you have. And that turned him evil. He killed Lilith, and started the apocalypse. And I'm scared it's going to happen again. Your daughter, Lilith, is a super demon. I'm just so worried about her." A tear rolled down my cheeks. I looked away, trying to hide it, but it didn't work. Jess walked over to my bed and sat down next to me. I looked into her eyes, my eyes. She hugged me and said that I had nothing to worry about.

"Thanks Jess." I whispered in her ear. She flashed a huge grin, the one I hadn't seen in forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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