20. New Friends

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Next day, as planned, they went in town. Mitch watched his youngest son walking away to take the bus and join Elijah. His heart was at the same time lighter than during the past three months, but also a bit tightened by worried thoughts. Brandon was so much like he was himself at the same age! So sensitive, so quickly hurt, so easily caught away in another world by his thoughts, and then so lonely sometimes... Thanks God for Elijah! Very different from Scott, Brandon's best friend yet played a similar role, keeping Brandon grounded, sharing with him his natural happiness, and giving him selflessly his inconditional friendly love.

Mitch remembered the first day they had met the baby who would become their third child. He was so tiny, so frail! Mitch had thought awkwardly he was almost transparent. He had felt the need to wrap him softly in his arms, whispering little nothings until the baby had focussed his gaze on his. Slowly, a small smiled had appeared on his thin lips, and enlightened his whole face softly. Mitch's breath had hitched for a few seconds. Then Avi had pulled them both in his arms, leaning his forehead against his, and Mitch had felt like they were coming back from far away together. He had whispered "Thank you" and Avi hadn't asked why, he had simply answered "I love you." Mitch knew that the baby was embraced in the same love.

Two strong arms slowly wrapped around his waist, and Mitch let himself fall against Avi's chest, sighing deeply.

- Come with me, let's play some music, breathed Avi.

Mitch smiled.

- How do you always know when I need to be brought back?

- When you seem to fade away... replied Avi softly. Oh! Come! I have a song that comes to mind just now!

Mitch giggled and let himself be led inside.


Brandon and Elijah shared a meal in their favoriteplace, finding back their all time complicity.

- I would like to go to the cinema afterwards. There's a new movie I'd like to see with you.

- Which one?

- It's about a musician, but it's also a fantasie movie, smiled Elijah. I thought we could both enjoy it.

- Deal!

Two hours later, they got out of the cinema talking animatedly. Someone called them and they both turned to see Alan coming their way.

- It seem we were watching the same movie! Too bad I didn't see you when we got in, but I was a little late, I guess it's why.

Brandon smiled shyly, almost hiding behind Elijah, who greeted their friend cheerfully.

- I bet you liked it too! It was a great movie, right?

- Yes it was! Would you... Would you have a drink with me? We could talk more about it...

The teen seemed unsure, knowing that Brandon usually never hung out with anyone but Elijah. He glanced at his best friend who nodded slightly. Elijah smiled at him and turned to Alan.

- Sure! Lead the way!

Almost taken aback, Alan smiled and led them to a small café nearby. They ordered sodas and began to talk about the movie. Brandon remained silent at first, but he intervened suddenly to give his opinion about a specific scene. Alan seemed so surprised that Elijah burst out laughing, startling them both.

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