Chapter One: He Talked To Me

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My first TF story. This should be easy because I carried twins for 9 months. So, I hope you guys enjoy!!


I'd just finished getting a shower. I was now putting on the clothes that I was going to wear to school that day (on the side). I had just walked down the stairs to see my Mom, Mariely (pronounced Molly) Guterraz. She was looking like a teenager. My Mom had the looks of a teenager but I didn't know that she could make hersef dress and put on make up like a teenager. My Mom was cool, like that but I didn't knwo she was that cool. Cooler than me. Maybe.

"'Morning, Mom", I said as I sat down at the counter table.

"Igualmente. Voy a estar trabajando un turno de 15 horas, como cualquier día normal. Justo en diferentes momentos del día. Hoy es mi día super tarde. Así que me esperan en casa las 12:30 de la mañana (Same to you. I'll be working a 15 hour shift, like every normal day. Just at different times of the day. Today is my super late day. So expect me home 12:30 in the morning.)", Mom said as she laid my plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of me.

"Thank you Mama", I said.

"Don't be late for school and remember to bring your house key. Don't forget it. If you do, you still know where the spare one is right?" Mom said.

"Si, mama. Gracias por recordármelo. Ahora, fuera. (Yes, Mom. Thanks, for reminding me. Now, get out.)", I responded before she walks out the door.

"This is my Oath to you." My iPhone 5 starts to ring.

I look at the caller ID and it's my BFF for life, Monica Gilbert. "Hola, Cassie!" Monica's voice filled the phone. I chuckled to myself. She tried her best to make full sentences in spanish just because I was 50% but also raised up on it.

"Hi, Monica. Why are you calling?" I asked. "Aren't you grounded?"

"Let's just say, I brived Mom into letting me off of punishment", Monica said. "Leave me alone you, twerp!"

"Who are you yelling at? Alycionna?" I asked her as I put my empty plate into the sink then gathered all of my things and left out the door.

"Yep. What other person do I call a twerp?" Monica said.

"Your stepdad, Frank", I replied to her as I started up my blue Audi 2013 and pull out of the two car driveway.

"Besides that jerk. Nobody else, right? Right. I'll meet you at school. I've got to go", Monica said as I hear her Mom yelling in the background.


I catch Monica getting of the bus for school. So I run to her and tackle her in a hug. With my waist length light brown hair swinging back and forth. "Geez, Cassandra! I hardly got of the bus and you're tackling me!" Monica yelled at me, as she pretended she was spanking me.

I pulled up the black jeans that I was wearing. "Monny, I wish I didn't have to come to the same school as Damien. He doesn't know that I like him and still. When, I try to tell him, that basura (scumbag), is always getting in the way", I said to Monica as we walk inside of Riverland High.

"First off, I don't know what that word basura means because I'm not Latina like you, second off, don't worry about Damien. I'm sure he'll find out one way or another. Did you forget already. The fact that everything that's secret about somebody gets around to that person", Monica said just as Damien approached us.

"All hell is about to break loose", I muttered to myself.

"Cassandra! Watch your mouth!" Monica yelled hearing what I muttered. "As for you. What do you want?"

"To talk to Cassandra. Not you, Monica", Damien said, in the wrong tone for Monica.

"Damien, back off. I promise you. I'll beat you like bad", Monica said as she put hand sanitizer on her cocoa brown hands.

Damien rolled his eyes before stating, "Can I talk with you in the teacher's bathroom. Real quick."

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