[2] The type of boyfriend he is. |4/4|

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Grayson: active. Gray likes to get up early to go on hikes when it's nice out. He also likes to work out a lot and when Eth won't get up early you become his workout buddy; even though you don't really mind. ((NO CHILL))

Ethan: protective. Eth always holds your hand(s), kisses you and holds you if he thinks somebody is trying to hit on you.

Aaron: cuddly. Aaron always wants to cuddle/hug you. He's always giving you kisses on the nose/cheeks/lips/forehead.

Cam: funny. Cam always tries (and succeeds) to make you laugh/smile weather you're sad or not. You always call him if you need a laugh.


Hey loves!
So, I have a couple of these pre written and I have 1 request for an old-magcon preference. So, if you have a request you can send me them on here through messages or comment and/or DM me, @waffle.carp ,on instagram.
Xx, daphne.

Graythan Carpenllas PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now