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A/N~ okay so part of the idea for this stemed from a conversation I was having with my baby girl on twitter that turned into who even knows starting with me tweeting the lyrics for Lying Is The Most Fun (which is why the lyrics are in the first chapter) I was waiting for spn to start and boom the idea hit! I also loved the excuse to write out demon Beebo's transformation hehe. I don't know how long this will be, but I have an idea of where this will go, so I hope you'll like!

Also, this storyline kind of goes along with my "One Hell Of A Good Time" fic so expect some things ;) AKA SPOILERS YO if you didn't read that, it's gunna get a bit spoiled for you

~Skittles Out~

"Haven't seen one like him before."

"He looks kind of familiar?"

"You still have human memories! Haven't you been down here long enough?"

"Only a few centuries, gimme a break."

The two voices continued to go back and fourth. I scrunched my face as I felt myself waking up. There was still a lingering pain throughout my body that made me want to lay still.

"Hey, he's waking up." With that voice, I felt a light kick to my side. "Wake up, newbie."

I groaned and let my eyes open. I was greeted by two figures. One was leaning over me while the other stood off to the side, tilting its head at me.

The one right above me looked pretty normal... My eyes quickly caught sight of short red horns poking up from his straight black hair. I looked at his face, noting the human like characteristics...but also his black holes of eyes.

"Now that you mention it, he does kinda look familiar." The figure squinted at me, "That's weird..."

The one that was standing off to the side walked over and extended his hand. I took it and he helped pull me to my feet, my skin crackling with my movement.

"Thanks..." I trailed off. I looked at the face of the one that offered his hand and felt myself stiffen. I knew him. Not like how I thought the other one was familiar, but I knew this one for sure. He had light brown hair with a matching mustache. He had no horns, but he did have a dark tail that whipped back and forth. It was someone I had lost a long time ago.

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