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I smiled as I waited for Louis and looked at Janelly who was mouthing 'are you on your right mind right now' I looked at her in shock and then back at Louis realizing what I just did and felt really stupid. I looked at Janelly as my smile faded remembering my past I had hidden from Janelly and everyone else besides my mom.


I was just 6 when I was walking to my baby brother to make him happy like I always did. It was 12:30 pm so my dad was about to be home from work and after lunch mom had to go to work so I grabbed a toy and walked to my brother when the garage door slam open. I turned around scared of who it is and saw my dad really drunk, he throw his bag on the couch and came to me.

I smiled and ran to him as I asked him to pick me up. He looked at me like he didn't know me and walked to my mom's room where she was asleep and started banging on the door. I was a little scared by now so I ran to my brother who was in the living room and picked him up running though my parents room to my room and set him down on the mattress on the floor that was for him. I ran out to the bathroom hiding from dad as he banged on my mom's room again.

She opened the door rubbing her eyes and froze when she saw my dad. "May I know why are you steeling my money!" he said as he handed my mom a piece of paper.

She looked up shocked and got something in the room and handed him a paper. "You see it your self. I didn't take it all, don't be blaming me for something I never did." I ran to my room seeing if my brother was ok and saw he was playing around with his feet so I ran back.

They were yelling now and it was like the tenth fight they had seen we moved in this house. I always hated it so I always ran out in the back yard where my friend would be out his backyard. But this time I got the video camera and placed it where I was and ran off to the backyard where I saw him out there playing with his dog.

I smiled and ran to the gate as he did the same. We just stand there for while till I heard something brake in my house making me worry sick hoping everything is alright. I was scared and was trying to hold back my tears.

My friend Jessie figured what was happening so he grabbed my hand. Then I remembered my brother was in the house still "I'll be back" as I said that I ran up to the house to my room to grab my brother and I noticed a hand on the door rim. I walked to the door and saw my mom on the floor and my dad on top of here beating her up.

I stood there scared and ran to get my brother. When I got him I ran outside to Jessie who took him and help me get over the fence and walked to his porch as he hold my hand telling me everything is going to be alright.

End of flash back

I looked down and saw I was on top of Louis like my dad was on my mom. But he just gave me a smile "It is on, starting now!" He said as he tried to get up.

I gave him a weak smile and got up. I started get pain in my side so I walked to Janelly pointing my side and she nodded. She helped me to the living room setting me down on the couch as she grabbed my box from my bag and ran to the kitchen.

After she left everyone else was there wondering why did I leave and sat down near me. I gave them a weak smile and hold my stomach as the pain grow. Janelly ran back with a glass, she handed me the glass and some pills as she gave me the look to take it so I did and handed her the glass back.

She set it down on the table to sat by my feet as she started taking my shoes off. I shook my foot out her hand and started taking my shoe off when my pain pinched me and fell back holding my side. She sighed and took my shoes off.

She looked up at me smiling at me mouthing 'everything is going to be ok.'

~~~~~~~(Janelly pro)~~~~~~~

Kamal got up and started walking to me pointing to her side and I know right away what was going on so I took her to the living room, grabbed the medicine box that thank god Kamal remembered to put in there and ran to the kitchen. I remembered what her mom told me what to do when she gets this pain so I did what she told me. I ran back with a glass of the medicine and pills and handed it to her.

Her pain started to go away so I got down and started taking her shoes off which she hated when I did that and started untying it when she bent down but when she did her pain came back and backed up holding her stomach. I got worried knowing she need to go to sleep or it is going to get worse so I took her shoe off and looked up to her mouthing that 'everything is going to be ok.'

She nodded as her hand started to fall from the stomach to her side. I saw that Niall and Louis were on the other side of her but they both had to move so she could go to sleep. I looked at Niall who was worried sick looking at me as everyone else looked at me.

"I will tell you later but she is asleep right now so lets get out of here and lay her down." I said in a low voice and they all nodded.

They all got up and went to the hallway as I lay her down a perfect way to help her side feel better and walked to the boys.

"What is wrong with Kamal?" Simon took a step closer to me.

I looked around seeing everyone was worried sick like me "her s-side" I really didn't know what had happened to her but the only thing I know she had gotten these side pains out of the blue a lot and sometimes her stich she got on her forehand started to hurt then to so I made this Indian remedy that makes her sleepy and wakes up all healthy.

"What happened to her side!" Niall spoke up.

"She gets these side pains a lot out of the blue and I don't know why...she never told me why but hey mother said it will stop hurting if she takes her pills and that is what she does but today she forgotten to take them." I sighed and looked back at Kamal who was sleeping like an angle and looked back at everyone else.

"Hmm I will take her to her room so she can sleep well." Liam said as he started walking to her but I grabbed him to stop him.

"If you pick her up when she is asleep after her pain then the pain gets worse and she will wake up with a headache." He turned around wondering what to do then. "But I had gave her a this thing that makes her sleep and she is sound asleep so we are able to watch T.V but we can't make to much noise."

They all nodded they head and walked over to the living room sitting close but away from Kamal as I sat on the other side of her and put her head on my lap carefully and started petting her like I always love to do with her when she is asleep.

3 hours passed and she was still sleep but we didn't care or we did and kept watching the T.V when I felt her flinch. She sat up looking around wondering where she is till she saw boys and smiled. She looked at me and gave me a hug as I smiled knowing she is ok now.

~~~~~~~~(Kamal pro)~~~~~~~~~

I woke up and saw a high ceiling and Janelly. I got scared knowing I didn't know a place with high ceiling and started looking around, I looked at the clock as it read 7:30 and looked at the boys who were happy. I smiled and turned around hugging Janelly making her laugh.

"Hey I am really hungry...hmm is dinner made?" I was scared they would think I was weird but remembered Niall ate a lot too so I just smiled.

"Haha lets go guys we were waiting for you but Niall couldn't wait, I hope he didn't finish everything up though!" Simon said as we all walked to the kitchen seeing Niall at the island but barely eating.

We all stood the shock as I walk to him. He jumped but when he saw it was me he jumped up and spanned me around. I couldn't help but giggle. He sat me down on top of the island just staring at me and smiling. I smiled at him to jumped off the island and walked and starred at him wondering if he was ok.

"You ok Niall I never seen you like this before well say never what up?" Zayn said as he walked to Niall.

"I'm ok guys c'mon I am really hungry!" we all started laughing and sat down on the island and I sat down next to Niall and Janelly.

Simon handed all of us our plates and everyone started eating. I looked at my plate noticing it was vegetarian so I happily ate it not worried to hid the meat and throw it away like I always did when I ate at other peoples house.

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