brakefest split up

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" hello Kamal why have you not picked up your phone? i had been calling you and i got worried sick!" i heard Suki and look at my phone seeing i had 20 miss calls.

" sis I'm fine i was just out doing some midnight swimming!" i heard her take a deep breath before she talked again.

" I'm sorry for bugging you. go have fun, we will be watching you on TV." i nodded my head and she hanged up the phone. i looked at Stephanie who just shrugged her shoulder. i shrugged him and set the phone back on the chair. and jumped in the pool getting everyone wet.

" alright seen it is already 3 am, we should go to sleep after all we have to be ready by 10 am so lets go!" i looked at Zayn and mouthed 'sorry' he nodded his head and we all went out the swimming pool and went to our rooms. took turn taking a shower and feel asleep but they goys just went to asleep like that and it was cute as well.

me and the girls were all tried and fell asleep right away. didn't care where we were sleeping even though half of us fell asleep on the floor. i smiled at them and sat next to Haley remembering as much as i could that was related to her.

but it was no luck the only thing i can remember of her is before the accident when i saw her right before the truck hit me. everything else looks like puzzle in different color that i was not able to put together.

" cant sleep huh?" i looked up and saw Luke sitting up and sat in front of me.

" yea." i said in my soft voice and looked down.

" are you scared for the judges house or something?" i shook my head and started playing with my hand.

" Luke it just......" i looked up at him and saw he was listening then looked at my album and picked it up.

" it just what?" he got up and sat right next to me and looked down at the album.

" Luke you seen these pictures of me posing and all that?" i said flipping to a page and looked up. he nodded his head. " well i don't remember half of this even happened, in fact i rarely remember anything even these people......." i pointed at who i was told was a family friend.

" wait you don't remember at all?" i shook my head and changed the page.

" my step-mom told me about these people a lot but i never remember who they really are to me and all that, i did trust those people a lot though for some reason?" he looked up at me shook.

" but you were mad at them just few hours ago!" i nodded my head and grabbed my phone. i took off my cover of the phone and hanged him the case. he looked at it then saw a letter in it and opened it up.

" Kamal this is your real dad. by the time you took the case off you found out that you are my real daughter and Louis sister. I know you though Ram was your real father and i was someone you just heard about, and I'm sorry for not being there for you but can we please meet? maybe you and Louis together? if you want to meet then tell Louis " it is time" and he will understand what you mean. Love, your dad" i looked up at Luke and took the letter.

"dad?.....but step-dad gave me this ph...." i stood up right away and went out my door straight across to Louis room. i knocked on the door three times and turned around seeing Luke behind me. i looked ahead and i was Harry rubbing his eyes with the door a little open.

" who is......oh Kamal is everything alright?" i shook my head and pushed the door open walking in and sat next to Louis who was on his laptop. he looked up at me and smiled.

" her sis what called you over here?" i handed him the letter and sat down. he read it and then looked up at me with his eyes wide open.

" this is why he said for me to wait till someone say that to me?" i looked at him lost and sat up straight. " dad told me that someone was going to say ' it is time' to me around this age and it was going to be a girl that is 4 years younger them me. he said when she say that then go find him and......" i grabbed his laptop and hacked him on twitter.

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