Depressing Nando's Day

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   It was a bright and sunny Monday morning, which meant the boys were all getting ready in their flats' for an annual Monday morning break fest at Nando's. Niall looks forward to this day every week. Their manager had made him layoff of Nando's since he had been going two times a day for break fest and dinner... Niall would always wake up early because he would be so excited about getting to go to Nando's. It was around 7:00 a.m. which all the boys would meet at Nando's around 8:00 a.m. He would get up, make him self a pre- break fest, take a shower, get ready, and be at Nando's always at exactly 8:00. He was glad it was a new day because he was sure that everything that had happened yesterday would all be forgotten about and they would all be a band again.

  By 8:00 a.m. Niall is there inside waiting, because the lads were always a little late. at 8:10 Zayn enters with his hair perfect as always.

  "Hey mate" Niall said happily.

  "Hey lad, where are the rest of the boys?' Zayn questioned.

  "Oh i'm sure they are okay you know them always a wee late." Niall said hiding his disappointment. By 8:30 still only Zayn and Niall were there..."You don't think they forgot do you?..." Niall asked.

  "I'm sure they didn't forget Niall, don't worry." Zayn said. He knew they weren't coming, but he didn't say anything because he hates to be the cause of  his little Irish snowflake become upset. Especially on his favorite day of the week... It was 9:00 and the two boys were still silent because they both knew the rest of the group was not coming.

 "Let's just go Zyan.... They're not coming..." Niall said hiding his tears walking glumly to the doors.

 "Don't you wanna eat Niall? It's your all time favorite restaurant Nando's remember??" Zayn said while trying to cheer Niall up.

 "No, I'm not in the mood to eat Zayn..." Niall spoke walking away. Zayn knew something was terribly wrong if Niall was to upset to eat. The boys drove on home. When they got there Niall entered his Flat with out saying a word to Zayn. Zayn then barged into Liam's flat in rage from him not showing up. Zayn entered and stood there in complete shock...

  "Liam what the hell have you done???"

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