Chapter 14:Saving A Child

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(Ave's pov)

Talon looked at me. "You have been quiet for something wrong?"

Of course something is wrong! I calmed down and shook my head. "Why do you want me to meet them now?"

He sighed. "My family tends to travel a bit."

Well..I wonder what he has told his family about me?

He opened the door and led me inside. that is what the rest of his family looks like.

There were five people already seated at the table. A woman with long red hair,brown eyes,and she also had angel wings. A man who resembled Talon,just more bulky and older looking.

So those are his parents,an angel and a dragon man. I looked at the two other people,they were two angel girls who looked exactly alike. One had light red hair and the other dark blue hair,they looked around thirteen or fourteen. I saw Malin with his head down,he probably doesn't want to be here either.

We sat at the table for awhile,until Talon's dad cleared his throat. Talon grabbed a hold my hand. "Everyone this is Ave,my soon to be bride."

I laughed at that a little bit,remembering the look on his face at that 'wedding' was hilarious.

I managed to pull my hand away from his grasp. "Why does she look so strange?"

The girl with the red hair said crossing her arms. "Because she is a human Hazlina." is a pretty,but very strange name. "I'm proud you have found a wife my son."

Wow...Talon's dad has a really deep voice. "Thank you for that father."

I sighed. "How did you meet our brother Ave?"

That time the blue haired one asked me a question.

What should I say? Hmm...well your brother kidnapped me,hurt my sister,tried to force me to marry him,hurt me,and is holding my family hostage.

But I don't say that. "I was just a regular girl,then I met Talon,and soon he fell in love with me."

Talon gave me a look,I was telling the truth. I was a regular girl,then Talon became obsessed with me.

Sometimes I think about just where Talon saw me. I heard everyone talking to eachother,so I just stayed quiet.

Talon's mom stood up. "Ave,can I speak with you in private...with my daughters?"

Talon ushered all of the men out of the room and left afterwards.

It was just me,Talon's mom,and his sisters. Hazlina whispered something to her mother,the mother nodded.

She pulled a piece of hair out of her face. "My name is Rozis and these are my daughters,Hazlina and Coolia."

Coolia..ha,sounds like something they would name Frieza's mom.

I nodded. "I'm happy to meet you Ave,you seem like a very wonderful girl."

I saw Hazlina and Coolia fly towards me. They look nothing like their father,only like their mom.

They floated beside me. "Excuse my daughters they can be very curious."

They started playing in my hair, yeah their curious alright. "So, how do you like my son, isn't he sweet?"

HELL TO THE FUCK NO! "Umm..he is tolerable."

Rozis gave me a happy look and stood up. "That is good to hear Ave, let us take a walk through the village."

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