Chapter 4 im not here forever

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I am glad that they are happy that im back and that they're not mad. Just never known that my family will acctually miss me so much,I gazzed to my mother she asked me "Lami- I mean Rarity darling,are you staying in trottingham forever?" I kept in silence for a while,my friends put a sad face,I looked back to my friends and back to my mother. I wanted to but.... I still have my friends "mother,uh I don't think I could stay here forever,I got my friends,and Sweetie belle has friends at ponyville so I can't stay here forever. Is it alright mother?" I asked her softly,and she smiled at me "Of course sweetie! They are also the one that makes you here and safe" she said to me with a sweet smile. I said to her that I'll be staying here in every 3 month's and in every 3 months,I will stay here for 1 week starting now,my friends will also come with me and they are happy to stay with me! "Now since you're room is still here,do you want to use it?" My dad asked me,I nodded to him,then my step sisters begun to download social media's to make online friends,but Gypsy wanted to go outside to make friends. My mom lets her to do that,and she go out side and made a friend straight away! Pinkie pie grined and so did I. Suddenly one guard came to my mom and gave her 10 scroll's my mom read it one by one.

Untill the last scroll,she gasped and almost fainted she was frozen, I asked whats wrong "mother? Is everything alright?" I asked her a few times "Queen Cloudy breeze,are you alright? Is anything alright?" Fluttershy asked so quietly. My friends we're confused seeing her like that "Queen Cloudy are y'all alright?" Applejack asked her alot of times like how I did. My mom answered all the questions we had all answered "it says that they will break our castle and then we will be in jail! And it didin't say anything else even why it did that" my mom explained we all gasped alot and jaw dropped. I panicked alot of times we didn't know what to do,what will happen to us all? Will we die? What did we do? "Mom did any of you do anything wrong?" No nothing sweetie even if I did borrow or steal anything I will tell someone I could trust. I borrowed only 10 bits and I gave back the money immediantly and I even pay even more" My mother said with a high tone. We got worried and my dad got panicked. Rainbow remembered something, maybe ponies wanted to seek revenge,Aj felt the same way too. Infact Aj seem to know who it is,but just not so sure if its true or not "Eh'm anypony realized that it could be Starlight glimmer? Ah have a little feelin' about it. Don't y'all?" She asked to the rest,Twilight nodded to her and so did I. Pinkie bounced up and down all around,Fluttershy nodded too. Rainbow dash raised her elbow and nodded anyways. Gypsy came into the castle with a net over her "Whoa! Gypsy! What happened?" Gemstone asked her sister "Sweetie! What happended? Are you alright?" My mom asked with her pupils really small. She explained "I was walking by but then there was this light purple unicorn with an unusuall cutie mark she had dark purple and green tosca mane" Gypsy said to all of us. Twilight noticed that pony! It WAS Starlight Glimmer

Why does she want to kill them or put them in jail?

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