Chapter three

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"Hey Jauslin guess what!" Niall said walking into the kitchen while i was cooking dinner.

"Hu?" I said while taking the lasagna out of the oven.

"I got a job!" He said smiling.

"Really! Thats awesome!" 

"Yeah its only at the grocery store but I get paid and then we can make Emilys christmas awesome!" He said in a happy and loud voice.

"shhhhh shes sleeping." i said laughing 

"whoops" he said with a laugh.

He set the table while i went and woke up Emily for dinner. We sat down and ate all together... as a family.

I often wonder about my family, i wonder if they wonder about me. i wonder if they even miss me that night i took a picture of all three of us laying on the ground our heads making a circle and atached it to a note i decided to send to my parents. i think of how i would feel if Emily got pregnant like i did, What i woudve done. I thought of the worst thing i could do but i knew that i wouldnt be able to leave her. I wonder how they did it im apart of them how could they just leave me like that then i thought, What if im not apart of them if i was adopted it would of been easier to just throw me out of the door like they did. 

I decided i wanted to know so i took the bus up to the DNA office instead of going to school. I waited as they checked... 

"Jauslin Rhoads?" The guy called into the waiting room. I stood up repared for what i was going to hear. Well i thought i was anyway, They wherent my real parents but thats not what hurt me i was ready for that... What hurt was that my parents died my mom while giving birth to my twin who had also died and i went to my aunt and uncle after my dad died in a car accident. I couldnt believe they never told me! i wish i just got to say goodbye to my real parents. I wonder what could be diffrent if non of that happen i know i wouldnt have emily because i wouldnt of lived here so i just tell my self that it happened for a reason... so i could have the beautiful daughter i have now.

I get to school at 5th period and sit next to Niall.

"So what where the results?" he asked as i sat down.

"They are my aunt and uncle my parents died when i was five."

"Oh my gosh im so sorry." He said concerned.

"its ok it happened for a reason if they where here i would live 100 miles from here and wouldnt have met you or had Emily." i say getting my notebook out.

"I love how you always look on the bright side." Niall says with a smile.

"Emily taught me how, Shes my insperation." i say before we both look forword to pay attention to what the teacher is saying. 

After that Jake came up to us. Great just what i needed!

"Hey Niall" he said standing in front of us.

"What." he asked

"You know she has a kid right?"

"Ummm ya i live with her!" he said in an annoyed voice

"Ha that wont last long you wont let emily color so she'll kick you out of her life!"

"Ok you wanted me to kil my child Jake! thats just wrong!!" I said drawing in a crowd.

"So I didnt want the stupid thing!" he said shoving me.

"Ok leave her alone Emily is the best thing that happened to her and im her dad now so who cares you need to just shut up shes out of your ife anyways!" Niall says stepping in between me and Jake.

"No shes not she will always be a part of me no matter how much you dont like it! and once i get my hands on her shell be dead!" he yelled.

I pushed past Niall and punched im causing him to fall. 

"If you ever touch my baby i will kill you!"

"No you wont your too weak!" He shouts standing up.

"Really want me to prove you wrong!" I say before Niall Grab me and pulls me back

"Calm down i wont let anything happen our child i promise." Niall says.

"Your child! that baby is haf of me!" Jake says trying to make me mad. 

"Yeah well to bad you didnt stay now you get to live with your parents the rest of your life!" I say before leaving school early.

Niall leaves with me and e pick up Emily. As we are walking up my "Parents" drive up to us. 

"so you decided to keep her." My Aunt says.

"Yeah Aunt kathrin i did." I said.

"What! Aunt! who told you i was your aunt!" She yells from inside the car.

"My DNA! Now just leave me alone you dont want anything to do with me remember!" I said before picking up Emily and walking away from the car. 

"Emily you remember what Jake looks like right?" I ask her as she sits on my hip.

"ya... old daddy?" 

"ya. I dont want you going with him no matter what he says okay?" I say to her calmly. She nods as she begins to suck on her thumb.

"If you see him walking towards you scream so someone knows its not right because he might try and take you and i dont want that to appen." I explain.

"She Laughs a little and says ok.

As we get to the house she asks if we can play a game so i get out a board game and we play... well she plays me and niall just kinda move the wrong number of times so she wins everytime. We have mini trophies we  bout from the dollar store that we give to the winner... so her haha. She says she is the queen of board games.

Everynight niall sings to her and pays the guitar until she falls asleep. It used to take me forever to get her to sleep but i guess she just needed a daddy that could use his magic to get her to sleep. I didnt sleep at all that night because of what jake said. Graduation was next week and me and Niall Decided we where going to move to Ireland by his mom just to make sure Emily was safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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