It's been so long

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*Hugh's POV*

I smiled as soon as I heard my little sister yell "Alright Hugh i'm going on another adventure with Liepard!" With that I heard the door slam and I got up and changed into my usual black jeans with a red and white jacket. I stared out from my window in my room on the second floor I could see another house towards the edge of town near a small pond and I stared at house. It was a light blue house with white trimming I smiled remembered my best friend who lived there several years ago she was my rival her name is Rosa she had to buns on the side of her head with little ponytails hanging from them. I haven't seen her since she beat me in Victory road. From there she took on the Elite four and became champion. I was happy for her but my heart ache to think about her. It's been years since i've seen her based on age were both 18.

I looked over at the house were she lived and I felt like I kept getting stabbed in my heart. Suddenly I made up my mind I haven't seen her in years and said to myself "I would see Rosa today!" I grabbed my best pokemon in the pokeballs and took a train to Victory road but because I knew my way through it I walked towards the league. I walked to the pokemon center and walked towards the very familiar female with pink hair and a pink dress and she smiled "Hello, i'm nurse joy would you like me to heal your pokemon? After all your going to challenge the elite four and champion right?" She gave me a smile and I shook my head "No i'm just here to see the champion I know her i'm a child hood friend, but yes I would love it if you healed my pokemon." I held out my pokeballs and she smiled and took them.

After a few minutes she came out and held them out and I took them and she said "If I were you I would take hyper potions and maybe some revies for your pokemon. The elite four might not let you see your friend until you beat them." I nodded and smiled "I already have some but thank you for info." She smiled "No problem, we hope you come again." With that I grabbed them and put them on my belt I walked towards a gate that read 'Elite Four & Champion- Please step through this door and face them. Are you worthy to become champion?' I stepped through the door and I heard a bell chime almost as if it was a way to mark I was here. I turned around to the door but it was gone! I groaned to myself "Great I can't leave.."

I walked towards the center of the large room almost like a large throne room and in the middle of the room was a huge statue. I walked towards the statute and it had a plaque and it said 'To the far bottom left face Shauntal the Ghost type elite. To the top left face Grimsley the Dark type elite. To the top right face Caitlin the Psychic type elite. To the bottom right Marshal the Fighting type elite.' I stared at the plaque and said aloud hoping someone would hear me "I'm not here to fight i'm here to see Rosa!" Soon out of thin air four figures were around me and looked me over and I gasped "Who are you?"

They smiled and a male of black hair and a black suit said "I am Grimsley the Dark type elite four member." Next to him a female of purple hair with a purple dress and black leggings and a black scarf with red glasses said "I am Shauntal the Ghost type elite four member." Next to her was a male with a karate looking outfit and said "I am Marshal the Fighting type elite four member." Then the final one was another female with long blonde hair and a pink dress said "I am Caitlin the Psychic type elite four member." They smiled again and in unison they said "We are the elite four." I sighed "I know that now, but where is Rosa? I'm looking for her. I'm her.. friend." Caitlin stared at me and laughed quielty "Ah, young love.. Your here to see our darling little Rosa." I blushed "Y-Young love? What are you talking about?"

She smiled and Grimsley said "Enough of that Caitlin you thought that other male that came to see her a few weeks back was her boyfriend." I clenched my fists "Who was he?" Marshal sighed "Calm yourself young one, his name was Nate." I sighed in relief "Nate, that's her cousin." Shauntal looked me over in curiosity and pulled out a small book and started muttering to herself "This is perfect! Yes I shall call it lost reunited love.." I blushed "Huh? What's she going on about?" Grimsley sighed "You see Shauntal writes stories and poetry, but.. she is usually on point with emotions even if she keeps to herself." I looked at the floor embarrassed "But seriously I need to see Rosa... it's been almost 8 years.."

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