She doesnt like me Carlos.

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I woke up around 10am hearing people yelling. Ugh.

It was pretty easy to guess who it was.

I jumped out if my bed covered in sweat. And let me tell you, it was humid!

I went to the window checking the temp. 92 degrees already? I probably should've watched the weather before I came.

I went to my drawer grabbing my

purple bikini and stripping myself of my sweaty clothes.

I grabbed a towel and slipped on my flip flops and headed to the pool.

I got there seeing four freakin' shirtless guys sitting in chairs.

"Damn," I whispered to myself.

Looking around I noticed the only chair left was next to James.

I looked at him. He was smiling and waiting for me. "Come on Danny." He said motioning me to come over. I tilted my head back and groaned. I began walking to him lazily.

I sat in the chair and looked at his abs. He saw me looking. Shit. "You like what you see eh?" He asked.

"I'm.. Not saying I don't like it." I says quietly.

"Oh so you do?" I blushed and slumped in my seat.

"Want some sunblock?" He offered.

"Sure," I said grabbing the bottle from him. I squirted some in my hands and began rubbing it on my arms. I looked at James who was looking at me with a confused look in his face. "What?"

"You didn't want me to put it on you?" He asked.

"No. I got it." I said to him.

"You sure?"


"Please?" He begged. I had him begging to touch me. I laughed at the thought.

"Fine." I answered.

"Yes," he whispered.

I stood up. He began rubbing it on my


"I have a neck and a face and arms if you wanna rub that too." I giggled.

He rolled his eyes and finished up rubbing it on my back.

For about an hour James and I talked about our dreams and things. Well mostly mine since his already came true.

We laughed and ate snacks and told stories about crazy or funny things that have happened to us. I learned that they all came together as four hockey players. He told me about his auditon and everything. I laughed just picturing it all. I learned a whole lot about James. He's really sweet and a great guy. It's like I've known him for years and I feel really comfortable around him. I guess that's how it feels to have someone you feel really connected to. Not in a romance type or way but a.. Great lasting friendships with James. He is wicked funny. He's not like most guys that I'be known. Back home trying to be friends with guys was difficult especially since most of them always wanted a relationship. Either that or they were total jerks. I like James smile and the way his eyes light up when he's really interested in the thinks that I have to say. He is really polite too. He has been complimenting me a lot and he doesn't interrupt or chew with his mouth open. I appreciate it.

James POV

She was so pretty when she laughed. Her smile was perfect and I kept making it. I feel a connection towards her more than friends- I really think I like Danny she's different.

"Hey do you wanna," I interrupted myself. I can't ask her out yet. It's almost time to go to rehearsal anyway. "Go to the studio with me?"

"I can't, I gotta go to a audition in five. But I'll catch up with you later."

"Bye," I waved as she walked off.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "Damnit."

I looked over seeing Carlos so next to me. "Why didn't you make a move?" He asked me.

"I don't think she's into me. Like at all."

"Are you kidding? She's been so happy this whole time talking to you! She didn't look happy leaving you." He said.

"Yes but I think she is just looking for

friends. I don't think she wants a relationship because she wants to focus on her career."

Carlos sighed and looked around. "You would really let it stop you. I know you love her. If she loves you, you will always find a way to make it work."

Carlos grabbed his t-shirt and headed back to the crib.

I doubt she likes me.

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