The P train

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Chapter two

I tugged at Luke's robe signalling that we should leave, Luke stood and followed me through the doors on the opposite side of the room. I placed my forhead on the cool wall in the corridor and exhaled.

"what are we going to do Luke?" i said softly still facing the wall.

"we just need to go out and find him Barrone we have no choice, its his life or ours think about it, we don't even know him" he said while placing his hand on my shoulder.

The noise of footsteps became louder, someone was approaching the corridor which me and luke were stood in. The door opened and i lifted my head from the wall. It was drew.

"good luck" he said with sympathetic eyes

"thanks" Luke replied

"i cant do this I'm sorry i cant,i cant go and find him knowing that when i do he will be killed i cant" i said with panic

drew looked at me, he clearly knew i wasn't able to do this. "Barrone look at me"

i lifted my head to look at him.

"you need to just go and find him, you need to think about yourself for once. If you don't do it you will be killed,do this for me Barrone." he said giving a slight smile

"ok i can do it, b-but i don't know where to look for him, i don't know anything about him" i said getting ever more discouraged by myself

"his name is Kier, hes only young. He was the newest to the group, When laur- ahem, the leader found him he was roughing it in that gloomy forest east of the city, he was alone and dying, the leader actually did him a favour for giving him a home here. The chances are he will be in the forest again" drew said quietly

"alright then comon" luke said tugging at my arm

i sighed and began to walk down the corridor lit by candles,i stopped in my tracks and turned

"thank you drew"

he nodded and smiled and proceeded to return to the rest of the group.

"here we go then" Luke said

"we need to gather some things Luke,were not going to get far without anything to keep us alive" i said changing direction of our footsteps"this way" i continued and walked up the wooden stairs to our dorm.

We walked up the stairs in silence the reality of what we had to do had hit us, and the feeling of it all wasn't pleasant.We reached our room and i pushed the door open using my whole body for force, i inhaled the familiar smell.

"we need to hurry up" luke said scrambling though his stuff in search of clothes and other things he thought he would need for the journey "if we set off now we can catch the p train into the city"

I looked up and nodded i packed a few changes of clothes into Luke's bag and some money to keep us going. I wasn't ready for this at all but it had to be done. We hurried out of the room and down the stairs. The noise of our footsteps echoed down the corridors leading to the front door,which the leader guards watched 24/7. We approached them, their masks made them more intimidating than necessary. If they couldn't keep hold of this boy kier how did the leader expect me and Luke to?

"excuse me gentlemen" i said politely

they ushered us through the door, they clearly knew what we had to do. Me and luke looked out towards the sunset and then to each other, the city wasn't far and we could see it from the large hill the house was stood on.

"lets do this" Luke said with enthusiasm

i said nothing but began walking to the train station, i tried not to think about what we were planning on doing i just kept my mind occupied on other things.

We arrived at the train station, it was empty as usual, it had a ghostly feel to it but then again the whole city did. It began getting colder and the swirls of my own breath danced in front of my face. And then finally the p train had arrived. The train also was empty. We boarded it and sat down on the deep red seats the train ride would only take five minuets. Everything was going too quickly

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