Someone Ate My BLOODY Pants!!

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One day I went to my friends house he took me swimming. When I went back to the changing room I couldn't find my pants so I

checked my bag but I couldn't find them so I asked my friend if I put it in his bag by

mistake.He couldn't find it then I asked lost & found they said no they can't find

them so I bought a pair at the swimming place called the banana floats

the pants looked ridiculous

they had bananas every where and around the butt it said BANANA FLOATS .We had

walk so it was living HELL . Everyone was looking at me and laughing and smiling

it took about 20 minutes but it seemed like 80 minutes. We finally

got to his house

I was there for not even a minute and his whole family was laughing at me.His older

sister laughed so hard she got spaghetti up her nose and into her mouth she

started to puke all over her favorite t-shirt. That cost $45 which I still think it was a rip off because it had flowers on it and


thought it was a designer brand but it was this brand called pretty pretty princess

which was the store name.she thought she saw it at a fashion show but she is a huge diva.she talks so high pitch that the family has to wear ear plugs everywhere

they go together.She is so cranky she complains when she gets 100% and she never shuts up when ever she does she

starts to sing and scream she sounds like a bloody retart. They had a dog not even 1

month ago I wonder what happened to it? It turns out that the dog went deaf because of

Leslie. Then when she started to sing the dog could hear it ( she was so loud the dog

heard it ) and the dog had a heart attack I

missed Hugo so much u should of heard

Leslie she had to go to the cops because the noise was so loud the whole neighborhood

heard her. Me and Fred think she is a mental retart so we go to my house we had to walk again so everyone was laughing and

pointing at me we finally got there again everyone laughed me even my blind bald cat named mr. Biggelsworth. After 10

minutes of laughing they asked why I have those on I said I couldn't find them. My dad

said go back and ask for the film my dad is a doofus he thinks there is a video tape in the change room. So we go back to the BANANA

FLOATS we ask they say they don't have video tapes in the changing rooms so they

said they will show all the other places so we said ok so it was about 1 hour ago there was

a man eating my pants!!! I know that guy his name was Colin Jefferson he works with

my dad.He's his friend so the next day we sued him for stealing my pants it made

us 250$ richer he got fired and he was sent to

the mental institution with all you can eat taco buffet



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