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*Gerard's POV *

I rember when she transitioned. People had a lot to say about it. People had a lot of names to call her. Aunts uncles and other distant family members cut contact because to them she was a "tranny". But I have a lot of respect for my sister. She's my role model. After the final surgery , Mikey and I were right there waiting for her,sitting on the hard plastic waiting room chairs. It brought my heart such joy to see her finally happy and comfortable in her own skin. That's something I never was because I held back so much. She taught me how to let go. She taught me to set myself free.

But now as I sit in the same hard plastic waiting room chair its like trying to reel myself back in.
Cancer. The most disgusting word I know. A disease that's physically eating my hero alive. Mikey and I don't speak. The ride here was depressing. You see a couple weeks ago some dudes who work at a pizzeria stole our car radio. So we just sat in silence, our thoughts eating us alive like the wretched cancer was eating my sister.

When we were younger she'd ask me to check for the monsters underneath the bed. She had just seen Dracula for the first time and thought there were blood sucking deamons under the bed. I'd always do the checking and Mikey would always whisper in her ear and say don't worry vampires will never hurt you. Then I'd confirm that such "monsters" were not present. Because they didn't exsist.

But they do and cancer is the deadliest. Because the beast is currently eating her alive.

How do you react when youre told your sister has untreatable cancer? Its untreatable its not like you can help. Sure! You can be there but the thing is. You don't know if ull get there in time.

"Mikey and Gerard?" I hear a chirpy voice call. I lift my head to see a tall nurse with a faced the colour of what I'd imagine sorrow would look like.

"You may come in"
"She's awake"

"Cancer"(mean boys contest entry)Where stories live. Discover now